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Sustainable development is a matter of market design

... ng rivers yellow with laterite soil erosion, unsafe for drinking, and depleted of fish. And, second, the Pan-Borneo Highway that cuts through the jungle, while making transport easier, has disrupted l ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-02

Mr. Brightside

... ed with a yellow pass-tag, coupled with smartphone scre ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年07月21日

Mr. Brightside

... ed with a yellow pass-tag, coupled with smartphone screenshots of bookings, were needed. By the time I ploughed through the seventh hurdle (I believe, ‘twas to show to an officer my hotel address, and ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-19


... 語發音把「葉落」說成Yellow。英語的Shop,根本就是「商舖」的漢語發音。至於「心臟」和「腦袋」這些人體最 ...全文


Things would get worse before they get better

...  mean the yellow metal holds up well for now. Lastly, we expect structural undersupply in oil for the time being, which should keep the price of Brent at around $110 per barrel. Economic slowdowns com ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-23

A cross-border ‘yellow cow’ story

... is week. “Yellow cow”, or huángniú, is slang for ticket touts who earn the price difference by reselling high-demand music tickets, theatre tickets, or even train tickets. “I hate to pay the yellow co ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-12

中華基督教會基法幼稚園 自由奔放孩子樂園

... 生坐定定聽書,例如教yellow一字,就圍圈唱歌、四處找黃色物件,邊玩邊學。「起初校長、老師一直認為我們只是湊 ...全文



... 山銅礦初級勘探項目(Yellow Mountain),集中度高,資源量大,其中哈馬戈泰項目是旗艦資產。 哈馬戈 ...全文


風暴一周三連襲 英發洪水警報

... 溫和的「黃色警報」(yellow warning),至周一下午1時,當局補充黃色級別風暴也可能威脅生命安全。鄰 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年02月22日


... 上有人向梁靖崑大喊「yellow banana(黃香蕉)」,並有人和應。曾局數落後0比3的梁靖崑最終頂住壓力, ...全文



... t Dock碼頭上的Yellow Submarine景點旁邊,有空時來休息一下,晚上可以到披頭四發源地Cave ...全文


HK-China border to reopen before year-end?

...  the red, yellow and green health code adopted in China. A circuit breaking mechanism is also being planned. Many citizens are anxiously waiting for more details. After all, who wants a three-week hot ...More

EJ Insight2021-11-03

The case against 'posturism'

...  with the Yellow Vests protests in France, and – of cou ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA Hong Konger2021年10月22日

The case against ‘posturism’

...  with the Yellow Vests protests in France, and – of course – we’re now seeing this with the anti-vaxx and pro-science movements in the US: whilst those who advocate vaccinations certainly are right wh ...More

EJ Insight2021-10-20


... 議會內尚有這麼一個「yellow object(黃色物件)」,令議會不致完全「清一色」以至肆無忌憚。 不要低估 ...全文



... 奐仁、歌手Miss Yellow和製作人Kavemura(Yuen Yuen),以及金像獎最佳視覺效果得獎特效 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年09月08日


... / Black / Yellow Women Matter」的口號高喊,抗議牌高舉,何等壯哉。 這當然都只是我 ...全文


賤視非白白人魂 驚黃禍鼙鼓雷鳴

... 無惡不作,「黃禍」(Yellow Peril)因而得名;至十九與二十世紀之交,德皇威廉二世把之「發揚光大」,「 ...全文


東南亞元素 新派墨國菜

... 菜「檸汁醃油甘魚」(Yellow Ceviche with Hamachi)則加入芒果、薑、薑黃和香茅,並配上 ...全文


How human nature can combat climate change

... phtheria, yellow fever, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, hepatitis, rabies, and tetanus. Partly as a result, average life expectancy in Europe has increased from under 40 years in the 1800s to about 80 to ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-18

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