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iPad Mini失寵 蘋果傳部署停產

蘋果公司近年推出5.5吋屏幕的iPhone Plus智能手機,搶去7.9吋迷你平板電腦iPad Mini不少生 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年05月18日

新iPad激減 售2588元
紅色iPhone 7周五開賣

蘋果昨天推出新一代iPad,只售2588港元起,定價較上一代的iPad Air 2低三分之一,希望重振旗下平板 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年03月22日


數位世界的產品可以是全虛擬性產品、半虛擬性產品或實體產品。全虛擬性產品是數位形態(如音樂、圖書、圖片、影視、訊 ...全文



退休前長假期,沒有坐郵輪遠行,飛了去京都。出發陰天,回程的一天有雨,中間卻是碧藍秋日,而且因為今年天氣暖,竟來 ...全文


國產隱形無人船現身 可作軍用
能避雷達 實時傳送海面水下數據

隨着海洋大國戰略發展,中國亟須新型裝備應對周邊海洋爭端。在近日剛剛結束的珠海國際海洋高新技術展覽會上,由珠海民 ...全文


Amazon to release US$50 tablet in time for holidays

Amazon.com Inc. plans to release a US$50 tablet with a six-inch screen in time for the holiday shopping season. The move comes as the world's largest online retailer struggles to draw customers to its ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-08

Apple unveils new iPad, iMac

Apple Inc. has unveiled new iPads that are more powerful and thinner than their predecessors which it hopes will prod users to replace their older tablets and personal computers. The iPad Air 2 is 18 ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-17

Apple to launch new iPads, Mac operating system

Apple Inc. will launch two new iPads and the next version of its Mac operating system on Oct. 21, Reuters reported Thursday. These are the sixth generation of iPad and the third edition of iPad mini a ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-18

Apple hitting back with bigger iPad

Apple Inc. is fighting back to regain lost ground in the tablet market, once its second biggest source of sales, with an iPad that is almost as big as a laptop computer. The new line will feature a 12 ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-27

'Hunger marketing' can only take Xiaomi so far

Coming out top in the shipments game is one thing, but winning the respect of competitors and the steadfast loyalty of users is quite another thing, as Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi is discovering. ...More

EJ Insight2014-08-11

Why Apple is looking beyond Foxconn

To some extent, Foxconn saved Apple Inc. during some of its darkest days. In 1997, when Steve Jobs returned as interim chief executive, Apple was muddling through unmarketable products and an ineffici ...More

EJ Insight2014-07-08

Xiaomi launches 4K TV and tablet, draws mixed reviews

After making its mark as a successful smartphone maker, Xiaomi has ventured further into the electronics consumer products market and unveiled its first 4K television set and computer tablet, Apple Da ...More

EJ Insight2014-05-16

Apple hiring hundreds in China to speed development

Good news for Apple fanatics: the company is "hiring hundreds of new engineers and supply-chain managers" across Asia in an attempt to "speed up product development and launch a wider range of devices ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-04

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