
共 715 個結果
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US dollar to remain range-bound unless Fed eases up

The US dollar is the most unstable and unsustainable element of the financial market right now. Various financial institutions and brokerages have mixed views about its future direction. The US Dolla ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-07

Fed leaning against April rate hike: minutes

The US central bank may not raise interest rates before June as policymakers worry about economic headwinds stemming from external factors, minutes of the Fed's March policy meeting suggest. According ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-07

After a roller-coaster month, stocks could settle in April

Hong Kong and mainland stocks took a roller coaster ride in the first quarter. The gyrations came despite some certainty about US interest rates after Federal Reserve chairman Janet Yellen downplayed ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-05

牛市定熊市 4月有分曉

港股3月份累升8.7%,惟踏入第二季首個交易日,在內地及外圍股市拖累,加上本港零售數據欠佳,以及標普下調香港及 ...全文


Secular vs cyclical growth: How to tell them apart

A number of coal-fired power companies have posted 30-40 percent profit growth, mainly due to falling coal prices. By contrast, gas-powered operators have reported about 10 percent earnings expansion ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-01

Decoding the Fed's intentions

Some regional heads of the US Federal Reserve caused worry in the financial markets recently by suggesting that the central bank will continue to raise interest rates as planned. However, chairwoman J ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-01

Ten reasons to buy gold amid deflation

As Federal Reserve chief Janet Yellen mentioned in her speech recently, the appreciation of the dollar would impose pressure on inflation and exports. Her words imply that a strong dollar will not las ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-31

Yellen's dovish remarks buoy equity markets

Global equity markets rallied following dovish comments from Federal Reserve chairwoman Janet Yellen on Tuesday. Short-sellers rushed to wind up their positions, and fund managers bought more shares. ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-31


日前,美國聯儲局主席耶倫(Janet Yellen)在紐約經濟俱樂部發表演說,表示採取審慎行動去落實加息步伐是 ...全文


Cautious Yellen pushes back on Fed officials eyeing hike

Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen said the US central bank should proceed cautiously in raising interest rates, pushing back on a handful of her colleagues who have suggested another move may be just ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-30

耶倫放鴿 美元軟 道指倒升
注視油價中國風險 不抹殺再量寬

美國聯儲局主席耶倫(Janet Yellen)在香港時間今天凌晨於紐約經濟俱樂部發表演說,重申局方對是否再加息 ...全文


耶倫今發言 覓利率走向

美國聯儲局主席耶倫(Janet Yellen)將於香港時間今晚11時30分發表演說, 主題為「美國經濟前景及貨 ...全文


期油續挫 道指曾跌103點

近日持續有美國聯儲局官員發放鷹派言論,警告不要認定局方短期內不會再加息,打擊市場氣氛。美元周四持續表現強勁,拖 ...全文


獲軍政呵護 洛歇無敵手

美國政制為軍工股所確立的固有優勢,是因為體制的局限性;軍備和槍械公司的長期榮景,其實是制度衍生的長期問題。 軍 ...全文


憂外圍經濟 怕出錯招

聯儲局明顯放慢了加息步伐,鴿派佔了上風,最主要是出於外圍風險,令主席耶倫(Janet Yellen)希望先觀察 ...全文


Fed holds steady, eyes two rate hikes this year

The US Federal Reserve held interest rates steady Wednesday and indicated that moderate US economic growth and "strong job gains" would allow it to tighten policy this year. Fresh projections show pol ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-17

美零售表現差 加息勢窒步
道指應聲挫 靜待耶倫明言論

美國昨天有多項數據公布,其中最受關注的零售業表現欠佳,不但上月銷售下跌,1月數字更大幅下調,由升變跌,拖累美股 ...全文


歐央行出狠招 中美經濟漸穩

連串經濟數據造好,加上歐洲央行「出狠招」,帶動美股上周升勢強勁;經濟漸趨穩定,也意味着聯儲局提高加息步伐的機會 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2016年03月14日

威脅嚴峻 重藥抗通縮

歐洲央行這次「落重藥」,行長德拉吉強調是為防範「二輪通脹」效應,避免油價低迷的負面作用蔓延至整體經濟,這與美國 ...全文



號稱「美國聯儲局線人」的《華爾街日報》記者希爾森拉特(Jon Hilsenrath)周二報道,預料局方在下周議 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年03月10日

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