
共 676 個結果
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iPhone Transformers never die

Poor “Apple Transformer”, the Hong Kong man whose robotic gait aroused the suspicion of security officers at the Huanggang Port Control Point. He was arrested after authorities discovered 94 units of ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-14

'Raise the Umbrella' named song of 2014

The Occupy Central movement's anthem "Raise the Umbrella" was named song of the year in the "My Favorite" category for 2014 in Commercial Radio's annual music awards. The song collected 2,887 votes fr ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-02

'The best Christmas gift'

For former beauty queen Anggi Mahesti, it was most disconcerting to miss the flight just by minutes. But that was before she learned what had happened. Her 10-member extended family had long been plan ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-30

Hong Kong youth narcissistic, says govt advisor

Hong Kong youth's craving for "likes" on social networks is a symptom of narcissism that could work against them later in life, a government advisor and academic warned. Wong Chack-kie, a full-time me ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-23

Gouwu, gouwu, I love you

Occupy Central ended after 79 days, but Occupy Hong Kong, which has been going on for more than 10 years, has not stopped. Whether it was Occupy Admiralty, Occupy Causeway Bay or even Occupy Mong Kok, ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-16

Aussies turn hostage crisis into finest hour: #illridewithyou

As the harrowing drama at Lindt Cafe in Sydney unfolded on Monday, Australians turned the crisis into their finest hour, offering fellowship with Muslims who might have felt their safety was at risk a ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-16

Canada to return illegal assets seized from Chinese fugitives

Canada and China are set to sign an agreement on the return of illegal assets seized from fugitives of economic crime, including corrupt officials, China Daily reported, citing a senior Canadian diplo ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-15

Hong Kong's most beautiful day

People from all walks of life turned out Thursday for one final show of support for the democracy protesters.  When it was all over less than 13 hours later, they proclaimed the day as the best ever f ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-12

CIA chief: Abhorrent methods used on detainees

Some CIA officers used "abhorrent" methods on detainees, the agency's head admits. US Central Intelligence Agency director John Brennan said Thursday it was "unknowable" whether the harsh interrogatio ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-12

Occupy clearance doesn't mean end of movement

It's been more than ten weeks since the Occupy protests began, and the public are concerned about the situation in Admiralty as the police launch their street clearance operation. As students retreat, ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-11

China internet czar tells it like it is during US visit

China's top internet regulator has impressed US officials and technology executives with his candid talk and friendly demeanor during his whirlwind visit to the United States last week. Lu Wei, direct ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-10

Fed signals rate guidance likely to stay for now

The Federal Reserve is expected to maintain its pledge to keep interest rates near zero for a "considerable time" as it is likely to take a slow and steady approach to its first rate rise in a decade. ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-09

Can Japan reboot?

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s recent policy decisions -- increase monetary stimulus dramatically, postpone a consumption-tax increase and call a snap election in mid-December -- have returned h ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-08

Two generations of Hongkongers divided by their values

Renowned Cantonese opera actress Bak Sheut-sin once recalled a conversation with her late partner, Yam Kim-fai, who was also her stage partner. Bak said although Yam was very talented, she never prac ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-04

Protesters made to wait 20 hours in police car park after arrest

Dozens of people arrested during Sunday's siege of government headquarters were kept in a car park outside a police station for 20 hours before being allowed into the building. They were denied basic ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-03

From class to jail? Pro-democracy teacher to surrender

There's no doubt outspoken school teacher Ng Mei-lan is dedicated to her work and willing to take responsibility for her actions. So today, she will report for work as usual, then head to the police p ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-03

Taiwan's young people worse off than HK counterparts

The stunning victory Saturday by Dr. Ko Wen-je in the Taipei mayoral election represents the second dramatic protest, after the Sunflower movement, of the young people of Taiwan this year. Their votes ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-01

Police commander steps down over Mong Kok baton video

A police commander is stepping down and will be investigated after a widely circulated video showed him hitting people with a baton during a police operation to clear a protest site in Mong Kok, Apple ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-28

Why WeChat is struggling for global acceptance

Bottom line: WeChat will face slow progress in the United States and other global markets owing to strong competition and will be hobbled by concerns it may monitor its users' activities like it does ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-26

Occupy prompts some mainland youth to ally with HK students

The Umbrella Movement may be losing steam, but the spirit that it has evoked continues to inspire many youth. The democracy activists have also won sympathy from some of their brethren from the mainla ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-25

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