... ents like REITs. As we have written in a recent Chinese book published in association with the Hong Kong Economic Journal, Asia Pacific REITs have had 15 years of development. We are now at a stage wh ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-02
... 謂防守板塊如公用股和REITs。 事實上,時代和文化已有所轉變,對很多投資者來說,尤其年輕的交易員和基金經理, ...全文
When REITs were first introduced to the Asia-Pacific markets, they were described as fixed-income like products because of their dividend distribution rules. Because the law usually requires REITs to ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-27
... 用、本地地產及房託(REITs)等主要以港元為收入的板塊;至於收入主要以人民幣計價及易受累於強美元的板塊,如內 ...全文
... 工商零售物業的房託(REITs)等。然而,上述以息率惹人垂涎見稱的上市企業或基金,利率上升期表現普遍失色,單靠 ...全文
... s such as REITs and real estate stocks, while private equity involves direct ownership of real estate assets. On the debt side, public debt includes various notes and bonds issued by real estate compa ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-13
中國證券投資基金業協會會長洪磊表示,房地產信託(REITs)是經濟結構調整的新型重要工具,發展REITs也是資 ...全文
Amid market uncertainties, some investors tend to be more interested in investment tools that offer a combination of high yield and low risk. In this regard, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-29
早前有內房租賃住房REITs(房地產信託基金)在深交所掛牌,相當受內地投資界關注,香港在這方面走得較前,有內地 ...全文
... 房地產投資信託基金(REITs)試點。 沈曉明則表示,要吸引更多金融機構落戶海南,在風險可控的前提下,逐步放開 ...全文
... d related REITs should outperform in the immediate future. Hong Kong witnessed negative retail spending growth in 2015 to 2016, and this has led to some retail rents falling in some sectors. In select ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-02
In recent years, global listed infrastructure securities (GLIS) have emerged as an alternative for investors looking for steady income flows from real assets besides real estate, REITs and high divide ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-09
... 形式的正統房託基金(REITs)上市,為發展商開拓這項業務提供誘因。 人民銀行副行長潘功勝接受《上海證券報》訪 ...全文
... 半年出台。 對於公募REITs推出的時間表,潘功勝稱,正與相關部門研究,希望能夠盡早展開試點。 更多相關內容, ...全文
... 正式的A股房託(C-REITs)上市,在政府官員談話及金融改革上已見即將落實跡象,相信能為穩定樓市提供長效機制 ...全文