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Twitter CEO捐三成身家 78億紓疫困

... 港元)的電子支付系統Square股份,撥予新成立的Start Small基金會,支援肺疫過後的紓困措施。 多爾 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年04月09日

Twitter CEO捐78億 疫情後助紓困

... 港元)的電子支付系統Square股份,支援新冠肺炎疫情過後的紓困措施。 Twitter與Square均由多爾西 ...全文



... 點在Harvard Square。我用電郵向她詢問了詳情,然後打長途電話跟房東太太談房租等事宜,並沒有跟她正面 ...全文


阿克曼膺疫市贏家 旗艦基金3月進賬11%

... 艦Pershing Square披露,3月錄得11.1%進賬。 根據報道,管理資產逾73億美元的Pershin ...全文


阿克曼促特朗普 啟動基建計劃振經濟

... 司Pershing Square Capital行政總裁的阿克曼,不是第一次要求特朗普啟動基建計劃。他在201 ...全文


新加坡市中心豪宅旺場 抗疫力強
政府大廈小區毗鄰CBD 甄子丹亦青睞

... 新加坡房地產研究機構Square Foot Research數據顯示,今年3月新加坡私人分層住宅平均呎價為15 ...全文


阿克曼套戥賺203億 吸希爾頓巴郡候反彈

... 金Pershing Square Capital Management支付了2700萬美元作為對沖費用,扣除手 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年03月26日


...  Ventures及Square。研發團隊希望在今年秋季前,開發出早期檢測設備,以遏止新冠肺炎日後再度爆發。 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年03月26日

阿克曼斥195億吸納股票 博美國經濟反彈

... 艦Pershing Square Capital Management早前已作出足夠的套戥,抵消投資組合因早前 ...全文



... Financial Square Money Market Fund買入7.2億美元資產,並從其Fund Sq ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年03月23日

倫敦蘇豪 西區樓價低水之最
鄰近金融商業區 愛夜蒲租客捧場

... 建築,包括Soho Square附近一帶的排屋(Terrace),大部分屬二級歷史建築;亦有不少富有喬治亞、維 ...全文


Police pepper-sprayed journalists on purpose: HKJA

... Fung Shui Square in Tai Po with hundreds of protesters opposing a government move to designate a clinic in the neighborhood for treatment of potential novel coronavirus patients. Police told a news co ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-10


... 西身為另一間上市公司Square的CEO,不可能全身投入推動Twitter業務。 根據協議,Twitter同意 ...全文


Dozens arrested during weekend protests in Tseung Kwan O, Tai Po

... Fung Shui Square to protest the government’s move to designate a clinic in the neighborhood for treatment of potential novel coronavirus patients. Several dozen gathered in the area and there were no ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

HSBC: The heartbreak bank

... return to square one. The once-mighty bank, a symbol of the halcyon days of Hong Kong in the early '90s, has performed poorly over the past decade. The bank now only ranks fifth in market value, behin ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-09

HSBC sends home 100 London staff, confirms China virus case

...  8 Canada Square has been diagnosed with COVID-19. This colleague is under medical supervision and has self-isolated,” the spokeswoman said. “All staff whose roles allow remote working have been told ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-06

疫情影響 Twitter CEO重新考慮非洲行程

... 同時是另一間上市公司Square的行政總裁。     ...全文


A dollar a month rent for a shop, anyone?

... ing a 450 square foot shop space for rent for three months, and the price is HK$3! That's right, one dollar per month until the end of May. The shop may be small. But even smaller space in the heart o ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-05

阿克曼:押注疫情損經濟股市 採對沖策略保資產

... 艦Pershing Square基金,本周罕有發表聲明,解釋基金如何採取措施,保護總值66億美元(折合約514 ...全文


Musk tweets support for Dorsey remaining as Twitter CEO

... also runs Square Inc., a mobile payments company he co-founded. Dorsey and Musk have lauded each other on social media earlier. In an event early this year, Dorsey had asked Musk, who has over 31 mill ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-03

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