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融資成本漲 巨銀股東遭殃

... 規例的國際結算銀行(BIS)研究發現,符合TLAC規定的債務估計比其他類別債務貴30基點。對全球30大具系統重 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年11月11日


... 器,利用測量腦波作為bispectral index (BIS),再判斷病人的醒覺度。雖然這些裝置不會完全排除 ...全文



...  根據國際清算銀行(BIS)編製的實際有效滙率指數,人民幣自2011年第二季(即美元開始見底回升)至今已累升3 ...全文


中央降增長預測 人民幣難大貶

... 13年環球結算銀行(BIS)報告指出,人民幣當時是全球第七大外滙交易貨幣,數年的快速發展後,離岸人民幣在倫敦與 ...全文


GDP目標縱下調 人民幣難大貶

... 13年環球結算銀行(BIS)報告指出,人民幣當時是全球第七大外滙交易貨幣,數年的快速發展後,離岸人民幣在倫敦與 ...全文



...  根據國際結算銀行(BIS)及顧問公司Fathom,單在今年首季,英國對華放貸額就高達1930億美元。 個別銀 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年10月05日

香港升呢大債主 嚴防樓債暴風雨

... ,上周國際清算銀行(BIS)發布的最新季度報告,直如一盆冷水照頭淋,誇張點以「驚心動魄」來形容也不為過。 BI ...全文


Renminbi under pressure amid rising capital outflows

... tlements (BIS) which said the Chinese renminbi is under pressure as a result of capital flight. "These results offer clues as to what may happen in the third quarter, during which China changed its ex ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-14

Why China will continue to pursue a strong RMB

... ording to BIS estimates, the USD, the euro and the Japanese yen have the biggest weights (21 percent, 18.4 percent and 16.8 percent, respectively) in the RMB estimated currency basket. If the PBoC tar ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-27

US opens gate for shale oil exports

... Security (BIS), which regulates export controls, said it granted permission to some companies to export lightly treated condensate, a form of ultra-light crude, Reuters reported Wednesday. About two d ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-31

Central bank policy divergence to favor US, UK assets

... ainst the BIS' nominal broad effective exchange rate. Here, the relationship with the exchange rate has, excepting the euro, been minimal. However, looking at the same central banks but using the Fede ...More

EJ Insight2014-07-15

Central bank smackdown

... buoyant”. BIS pointed out that despite the easy monetary policies around the world, investment has remained weak and productivity growth has stagnated. There is even talk of secular stagnation. They t ...More

EJ Insight2014-07-09

RMB real effective exchange rate hits historic high, paper says

... tlements (BIS). In the eleven months to November, the renminbi has appreciated by 6.41 percent, while the REER was up 6.99 percent. For the January to November period, the renminbi has gained 2.49 per ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-18

China’s not-yet-deadly money black hole

... tlements (BIS) research brought it into the spotlight. The BIS found that when there was a fast run-up in the private sector debt-service ratio to above 25 percent of GDP a year, a financial crisis wo ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-18

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