
共 1615 個結果
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Why stealth yuan devaluation will hurt rather than help China

... below the peak level and the PBoC has abandoned its objective of fighting against excess debt. The yuan devaluation is not solving the economy’s problems. By maintaining misguided capital controls and ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-29

RobEx Centre: Hong Kong’s first fully automated smart warehouse

... o account peak hours and the impact of weather on delivery times, and reduces human errors in storing and delivery of parcels. Through the automatic warehouse solution, the storage racks with lockers ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-28

何文田Belfran Peak擬下月標售

盈信控股(00015)旗下位於何文田巴芬道9號的單幢現樓新盤Belfran Peak,最快下月推出首批單位招標 ...全文


Belfran Peak全部7伙擬標售 明開示位

由盈信控股(00015)發展的何文田巴芬道9號Belfran Peak即將登場。盈信控股副主席及行政總裁游國輝 ...全文


XRL to offer direct links to 44 mainland cities from Sept 23

... ly during peak periods, which cover public holidays in Hong Kong and the mainland, and 70 train pairs will run daily during weekdays from Monday to Thursday, with the number increasing to 82 pairs fro ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-24

Chinese investors stage protest in Shanghai over P2P woes

... tives to speak to the firm. Police for Lujiazui district, where IFC is located, declined to comment. One of the protesters, Cai Dandan, a 28-year-old hotel worker, told Reuters she had traveled to Sha ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-20

Leading technology plays are having a hard time

... soar to a peak of HK$175 in June this year, up 30 times from HK$5 in 2013. Its market value reached nearly HK$200 billion and the stock was made a Hang Seng Index constituent in November last year. Th ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-17

美大豆船終泊岸 大連北良港卸貨

早前為趕在中國增加關稅前卸貨的「大豆船」飛馬峰號(Peak Pegasus)貨輪,因為最終未能趕上而一直在大連 ...全文


Tseung Kwan O nano flat costs more to rent than a Peak unit

... e upscale Peak area were fetching in terms of rental per square foot. Living in Tsueng Kwan O has some drawbacks (ever tried getting an MTR seat on that route during rush hour?), but it also has sever ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-01

Chevalier Group founder Chow Yei-Ching dies at 82

... t. At its peak in the 1990s, the group controlled three Hong Kong-listed companies. But Chevalier International Holdings Limited is now the only publicly listed firm in the group after Chevalier Const ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-31

Investors should beware of ICO scams

Summer is a peak season for industry seminars. There are all sorts of start-up forums in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and other cities. The events offer a good platform for start-ups to promote themse ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-30

周周有樓賣奏效 銷467戶套71億

... 房項目TWELVE PEAKS及南區壽山村道SHOUSON PEAK,兩盤共售出3伙,共套現逾15億元,其中T ...全文


SHOUSON PEAK單號屋近2.88億沽

土地註冊處資料顯示,新地(00016)南區壽臣山SHOUSON PEAK單號A洋房,實用面積3553方呎,平台 ...全文


Bars break HK$1 billion sales barrier in World Cup month

... to be the peak hours of local bars, he said. As a result, all the shouting and cheering attracted both football fans and ordinary drinkers to the bars, Chin said, adding that half of the customers wer ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-16


... 市場上最流行的說法是Peak Supply,焦點盡在供不應求,油價想跌都難。若干年後,美國頁岩革命促使產量大增 ...全文



... 目的預計最高銷售額(Peak sales),連同研發成功的機會率,再輔以折現現金流計算。所謂預計最高銷售額,意 ...全文


HKDSE candidates' anxiety at peak despite fewer examinees: poll

Despite the declining number of candidates in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE), many students still feel the highest degree of pressure as the date of release of the te ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-10


... 。 上周五,一艘名為Peak Pegasus的貨船滿載美國大豆,以全速駛往中國,冀在中美關稅戰正式開打前清關, ...全文



... 開出的「飛馬峰號」(Peak Pegasus)貨船,試圖全速趕在新關稅生效前抵達中國大連港清關,被網民形容為今 ...全文


新地旗下啟勝及康業奪 「最佳園林大獎」27個獎項

... 頂和Shouson Peak分別在大型、中型以至小型住宅物業的組別獎項中勇奪3個金獎。啟勝和康業再一次獲得專業 ...全文


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