
共 715 個結果
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Fed ends zero-rate era, signals gradual tightening

The US Federal Reserve has raised interest rates for the first time in almost a decade. Fed chairwoman Janet Yellen said the widely telegraphed move will be followed by “gradual” tightening as officia ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-17


美國聯儲局在香港時間明天凌晨公布議息結果,極大機會9年來首度加息,但通脹低仍是本周加息的最大死穴。 主席耶倫( ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年12月16日

市場「放風」 耶倫加息勿重手

本周美國聯儲局應會作出金融海嘯後首次加息,過去一星期環球金融市場動盪,已明確向聯儲局主席耶倫(Janet Ye ...全文



今年春天起,美國失業率持續下跌,加上聯儲局主席耶倫(Janet Yellen)發出訊息,表示今年內有望加息,市 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年12月14日

Two-way volatility of renminbi is new normal

China posted disappointing trade data for November, representing the negative impact of weak global demand on Chinese manufacturing. More signs of economic slowdown make people doubt whether China ca ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-12

Three lessons from history not to be forgotten

Global markets have corrected a bit, especially in Europe, partly owing to disappointment over central bank policies. The market's focus now is on the US Federal Reserve’s meeting next week, at which ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-11

息口明朗 道指上周五飆369點

上周美股大幅波動,但隨着美國息口前景明朗化,美國聯儲局下周勢將加息,加上勞工市場強勁和油價低迷這兩大利好美國經 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2015年12月07日

Fed on track for rate hike, Yellen sets floor for jobs growth

Janet Yellen has set a bottom line for jobs growth in the United States. Speaking the day before a key employment report, the US Federal Reserve chairwoman said the US economy needs to add fewer than ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-04

Yellen 'looking forward' to first US rate hike in decade

Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen on Wednesday expressed confidence in the US economy and said that she is "looking forward" to the central bank's first interest rate hike in nearly a decade. "W ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-03


澳洲儲備銀行昨天把官方基準利率維持在2厘的歷來最低水平,連續第7個月按兵不動。對大多數市場人士來說,這是意料之 ...全文



上周有一宗少人留意的新聞:愛爾蘭央行行長萊恩(Philip Lane)上任。少人留意,一來是小國的央行,二來新 ...全文



感恩節假期過後,美股焦點將放在歐美兩大央行身上,預料歐洲將有更多刺激政策出台,美國則有就業數據和聯儲局主席耶倫 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2015年11月30日


美國聯儲局主席耶倫(Janet Yellen)罕有就對貨幣政策評論的信函回信,重申聯儲局只會逐步緩慢加息,加息 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2015年11月25日

What will happen to Asia when US starts hiking rates?

The US Federal Reserve is almost certain to raise interest rates in its next board meeting on Dec. 16, with financial markets now pricing in a 75 percent probability of a rate hike. Meanwhile, market ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-24

Yellen defends Fed policy; says tightening will be gradual

US Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen has defended the central bank's low-rate policy of the past several years, saying such stance was needed to spur the economy at a critical time. In a letter ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-24


美國聯儲局主席耶倫(Janet Yellen)周一去信眾議院議長瑞安(Paul Ryan)及少數派領袖佩洛西( ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年11月19日

美通脹微升 下月加息機會濃
恐襲情緒消退 道指反覆造好

巴黎恐襲事件未有跡象會打擊全球經濟後,市場焦點重回美息前景上。由於憧憬美國可能在12月加息,美滙指數和美元兌歐 ...全文


Why you should continue to bet on China

Stronger-than-expected October US jobs report has boosted the chances of a rate hike by the Federal Reserve in December. The structural problem in employment which Fed chief Janet Yellen has been con ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-14

澳元醞釀反彈 挑戰0.716

澳洲本周公布強勁的就業數據,數據顯示,澳洲10月就業人口增加5.86萬個,高於預期的增加1.5萬個。就業報告強 ...全文


Fed officials lay case for December liftoff

More Federal Reserve officials appear to support a December increase in interest rates. "I see the risks right now of moving too quickly versus moving too slowly as nearly balanced," Reuters quoted Ne ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-13

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