
共 1263 個結果
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任正非:沒有美國 華為亦能生存

... phabet和微軟(Microsoft)購買軟件,以及從一些廠商購買晶片。 華為指出,公司正打造不含任何美國技 ...全文


日微軟四天工作周 生產力激增近40%

微軟(Microsoft)日本分部於今年8月試行4天工作周,規定員工只需在該月份的周一至周四上班,將員工每次開 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月06日


... 效。 事實上,微軟(Microsoft)今年1月已投資5億美元,在西雅圖地區推動經濟住房;Google也在6月 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年11月06日

Panel urges US to invest more in AI, cites China's progress

... ntract to Microsoft Corp., protested by some of the company’s workers, that will help the military better access data and cloud computing services from battlefields and other remote locations. The fin ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-05

Apple pledges US$2.5 billion to fight California housing crisis

... ves while Microsoft Corp. committed US$500 million in the Seattle, Washington area. Apple said the project-financing fund was the first of its kind. Real estate developers often secure bonds for affor ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-05

Centaline builds blockchain platform to digitize property deals

... ing giant Microsoft and local tech firm TFI Blockchain Technology (TFI). In an interview with EJ Insight, Tomy Pang, chief executive of Centaline Data Technology, noted that transactions in second-han ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-01

【EJFQ信析】標指價值股主導 破頂再上空間窄

... 萬億美元以上的微軟(Microsoft)。至於強勢重臨的蘋果,受iPhone 11系列銷情理想帶動,市值又升越 ...全文


標指價值股主導 破頂再上空間窄

... 萬億美元以上的微軟(Microsoft)。至於強勢重臨的蘋果,受iPhone 11系列銷情理想帶動,市值又升越 ...全文


Alphabet misses profit estimates amid higher spending

...  Inc. and Microsoft Corp. Google, however, provides limited product-level financial disclosures compared with some peers, leaving investors increasingly uncertain about how pressures including regulat ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-29

Amazon may challenge loss of Pentagon cloud deal

If Amazon.com decides to fight the Pentagon’s decision to award a highly contested US$10 billion cloud computing contract to Microsoft, it could act as early as next week. A challenge to the Defense D ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-29


... 失落世界首富寶座,被Microsoft創辦人蓋茨重新爬頭,查實近兩年來,這張凳仔都是該兩位美國巨富輪流坐。不過 ...全文


Microsoft beats Amazon for US$10 bln Pentagon cloud contract

Microsoft Corp. has won the Pentagon’s US$10 billion cloud computing contract, beating out favorite Amazon.com Inc., Reuters reports. The contracting process had long been mired in conflict of interes ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-28

Cold War mentality hindering mutual trust in cyberspace: China

... p, Baidu, Microsoft and Qualcomm, to promote its own ideology for global internet governance and defend its highly-policed cyberspace. China has been pushing for a bigger role in global internet gover ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-21


... 壟斷,因而被勒令一如Microsoft般要分拆不同行業。當然最終分拆能否真的解決了霸權問題,還要留待其後結果。 ...全文


Grammarly reaches 'unicorn' status after US$90 million financing

... p Docs or Microsoft Word’s Editor Pane. Available only in English and only for written communications, Grammarly uses AI technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing to consta ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-11

減人手負荷 增效省時 AI決策助企業數碼轉型

... 轉型。 通過跟微軟(Microsoft)的合作關係,我們獲得不少大企業、中小企、銀行,以至政府等客源。KBQu ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年10月11日

Can Microsoft capture some smartphone space with Surface Duo?

... anks to a Microsoft announcement. At an annual hardware event on Oct. 2, Microsoft created buzz as it unveiled some dual-screen products including a two-screened smartphone called Surface Duo. The fol ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-09

Bill Gates人生三大失敗

若說世上有「人生贏家」,蓋茨(Bill Gates)肯定是其中之一,很多人知道他憑創辦Microsoft(微軟 ...全文


Microsoft challenges judge's order on 'sneak and peek' searches

Microsoft is challenging a US federal judge’s order that prevents the firm from informing one of its large corporate customers that the US government has issued a warrant for the customer’s data, Reut ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-26

Amazon working on facial recognition regulation: Bezos

... using it. Microsoft executives, including its president Brad Smith, have also called for regulation of the technology. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-26

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