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... 型住宅項目NOVO LAND第1A期、天水圍Wetland Seasons Bay第3期及大埔白石角Silic ...全文


Will China’s GDP growth fall below that of U.S.?

... enue from land sales for local governments, their most important form of revenue. Then there is the cost of the Zero-Covid policy itself. Soochow Securities estimates that a year’s testing of 505 mill ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-16

Will China's GDP growth fall below that of U.S.?

... enue from land sales for local governments, their most ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年06月16日

公告及通告 - [股東周年大會的結果]

CR LAND N2402(05701),CR LAND N2902(05786),CR LAND N2408 ...全文


兩焦點盤加推 勢本周對撼
Silicon Hill連環沽清 必嘉坊.曦匯輕微加價

... 型住宅項目NOVO LAND第1A期及天水圍Wetland Seasons Bay第3期。 Silicon H ...全文


Silicon Hill原價加推80戶 最快周六第三輪銷售

... 先推出屯門NOVO LAND第1A期及天水圍Wetland Seasons Bay第三期。 ...全文


Motes and beams

... ws of the land that they impose on that same electorate, hardly sounds like something that the Supreme Court judges would commit to, deeply or shallowly. To sell, because selling is what it is, those ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-10


... 自買醉,La La Land的男女主角翩翩起舞……而藝術家蔡璧龍、何國添和蘭桂坊之父盛智文,化作人塑站在酒吧門 ...全文


Free speech and the freedom to kill

... acy could land you in jail. In the US only convicted criminals, people under 18, people with mental disorders, people convicted of domestic violence, and illegal drug users have no right to bear arms. ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-03

Free Speech and the Freedom to Kill

... acy could land you in jail. In the US only convicted cr ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2022年06月03日

南戈壁-S(01878) 內幕消息

南戈壁-S(01878) LAND BREEZE同意出售其於南戈壁的權益(250KB, pdf) ...全文


Making green energy safe for pastoralists

Pastoral communities live off the land. In northern Kenya, where I grew up, we raised local breeds of cattle, which grazed in the dry rangelands. But our land is more than the basis of our livelihoods ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-26

The global hunger crisis is here

...  is poor, land has little agricultural value, other natural resources, such as water, are limited or degraded, and socioeconomic conditions are difficult. Given the low productivity of their agricultu ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-24

Ecosystem restoration is good for your health

... thwest England was linked to psychological benefits for surrounding communities. There is also evidence that ecological restoration can protect people from extreme climate events and related public-he ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-12


... ession of Land),而不是單純「逆權管有」即止,所以簡稱「逆權佔地」也沒違原意吧! 再說,這逆權管 ...全文



... 項目命名為NOVO LAND,將分6期發展,提供逾4500伙。發展商表示,最快6月推售NOVO LAND第1A ...全文


Climate leadership needs more women

... ge of the land to farm more sustainably and protect fragile ecosystems, and aspiring politicians running on integrated policy platforms linking reproductive health, education, and environmental protec ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-29


新地(00016)屯門兆康第54區大型住宅項目昨天(28日)正式命名為NOVO LAND,項目分為6個期數發展 ...全文


新地NOVO LAND第1A期最快6月推

新地(00016)屯門兆康住宅項目命名為NOVO LAND,新地副董事總經理雷霆表示,NOVO LAND分6期 ...全文


Reforming Hong Kong: Youth policy

... ger that ‘land and housing’ probably does come the closest, but remains even then insufficient as an explanation for the troubles befalling those in the 20-40yo bracket. The root causes of land and ho ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-27

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