
共 1263 個結果
頁數:1...30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ...64

Amazon launches initiative to bundle virtual assistants

Amazon has launched an initiative that would allow users to access its Alexa, Microsoft's Cortana and multiple other voice-controlled virtual assistant services from a single device, Reuters reports. ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-25

紓緩與白宮衝突 修補華為創傷

... oogle)及微軟(Microsoft)的軟件,以及支援美國大學教授的研究等,藉此緩解華為與美國政府之間的衝突 ...全文


任正非:華為可多購美晶片軟件 緩與華府衝突

... oogle)及微軟(Microsoft)的軟件,以及支援美國大學教授的研究等,以緩解華為與美國政府之間的衝突。 ...全文


李敦白 自身故事 中國縮影

... 及豐富人脈,為微軟(Microsoft)比爾蓋茨(Bill Gates)、電腦巨頭戴爾(Michael S. ...全文



微軟(Microsoft)昨天慶祝本港業務邁向28周年,微軟香港及澳門區總經理陳珊珊談及本港經濟局勢,坦言現正 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年09月11日

Online world getting increasingly chaotic

... itter and Microsoft gathered at Facebook’s headquarters in Silicon Valley on Wednesday to discuss cyber threats in the upcoming presidential election. "Improving election security and countering infor ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-09

收入增長滑落 Slack神話謝幕

... 微軟旗下企業協作工具Microsoft Teams繼續免費提供Office 365服務,Slack必須想出更多 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年09月09日

Facebook, Microsoft launch contest to detect deepfake videos

Social media giant Facebook is teaming up with Microsoft to launch a contest aimed at improving the detection of artificial intelligence-generated deepfake videos. Facebook is putting US$10 million in ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-06

Tech firms meet with US intelligence on election security

A number of technology companies including Facebook Inc., Alphabet’s Google, Microsoft Corp. and Twitter Inc. met with representatives of the US government on Wednesday to discuss security strategies ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-05

Huawei turning to Russian OS amid Android ban

... eezed out Microsoft's Windows 10 Mobile, BlackBerry 10, webOS, Firefox OS and Ubuntu Touch from the smartphone OS market.  That's why Huawei has turned to the Sailfish OS, which is the last remaining ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-29


... 有Facebook及Microsoft作為科技公司,成為市值最高之Tech Stock,當之無愧。 多個星級企 ...全文


加國廣招專才 薪酬樓價具優勢

... 街日報》報道,微軟(Microsoft)將在加拿大擴充兩成人手。英特爾(Intel)亦宣布在加倫多設立繪圖晶片 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年08月20日

美國運通四招齊發 前程錦綉

... 分股中第三佳(第一是Microsoft的升31.91%,第二是同業Visa的升31.32%)。 經營靈活 高端 ...全文



... ill Gates的Microsoft?銀髮股神Buffett的Berkshire Hathaway?「不停尋 ...全文


Should you buy Samsung's new Galaxy flagship?

... g PDF and Microsoft Word. Another selling point of the Note 10 is its camera. Camera rating firm DxOMark has said that the Note 10 bagged total score of 113 for the primary camera, putting it slightly ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-15

Why Microsoft, Qualcomm teamed up with Samsung on new laptop

... nkopt and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella also joined the event this time. Software titan Microsoft is in a weak position in 5G development. Samsung’s laptop series have yet to occupy a leading position i ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-14


...  modem),配上Microsoft Windows 10作業系統,機身重量只有0.96 kg,13吋 Fu ...全文



... 佔達3.8%。微軟(Microsoft)期內平板產品出貨量約20萬台,按年增長68%,出貨量市場份額佔比3.6 ...全文



... es)擁有的是微軟(Microsoft)軟件;現任「二哥」,LVMH老闆阿爾諾(Bernard Arnault ...全文


US appeals court voids Google 'cookie' privacy settlement

... afari and Microsoft Corp.’s Internet Explorer browsers to help advertisers bypass cookie blockers. The settlement approved in February 2017 by US District Judge Sue Robinson in Delaware called for Goo ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-07

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