... 運通回落4.97%,VISA倒退4.80%。 歐股勁跌3% 近四年最差 由於沽壓巨大,富達(Fidelity) ...全文
... 運通下跌4.93%,VISA都倒退3.90%。 意大利南韓伊朗病例急增 新型冠狀病毒疫情除了在中國爆發外,全球 ...全文
... 高盛下滑2.19%,Visa下挫1.81%,美國運通都跌1.27%。 國家衞健委公布,昨日內地新增新型冠狀病毒 ...全文
... 大通上漲1.36%;Visa與美國運通上升約1%。 特斯拉和蘋果造好 歐股廣泛揚升,Stoxx 600指數升0 ...全文
... 少。如果以中國銀聯和VISA信用卡之間的競爭為例,對美國的金融公司而言,這將是一場苦戰,因為中國企業一方面習慣 ...全文
... 部分金融股表現不俗,Visa抽高1.39%,為升幅最大的道指成分股;美國運通都上漲1.05%。不過,IBM回吐 ...全文
... n of a US visa held by a former police chief who led Duterte’s bloody war on drugs, takes legal effect in 180 days and US officials have expressed hope it can be reversed or delayed. “I don’t really m ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-13
... 事網聯公司。 多年前Visa和萬事達卡已申請進入中國市場,但一直苦無進展。至今年1月中美簽署首階段貿易協議,當 ...全文
... id his US visa had been rescinded over an issue related to the detention of a senator and top critic of Duterte. The VFA, signed in 1998, accords legal status to thousands of US troops rotated in the ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-11
... stration, visa applications, and more. Q: Is the firm profitable now? A: We do not provide financial data. But we can say that we generally reinvest all available funds into growth, so profitability i ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-10
Taiwan will suspend most visa applications from Hong Kong and Macau residents starting from Friday, as part of efforts to control the spread of the new coronavirus. The island has been gradually restr ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-06
全球領先的電子支付科技公司Visa與國際金融科技公司Airwallex宣布,建立全球合作關係,攜手推出B2B跨 ...全文
... 大通進賬2.14%,Visa都上升1.945。 人民銀行在公開市場兩日投放流動性累計1.7萬億元人民幣,顯示人 ...全文
... permanent visa holders coming home from China, Hong Kong or Macau will have to be quarantined for 14 days. Also temporarily banned is travel to China, Hong Kong and Macau. The Philippines' Bureau of I ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-03
Visa Inc. fell short of analysts’ estimate for first-quarter revenue and said revenue this year would be crimped by incentives it provide to banking clients, sending its shares down nearly 3 percent, ...More
EJ Insight2020-01-31
... ent giant Visa. The UK-based financial technology (fintech) firm powers cross-border payments for a number of popular finance apps, and sells payment software for banks and fintech firms to process th ...More
EJ Insight2020-01-29
... eral work visa),並會仿效澳洲推出技術移民計分制度。一般工作簽證又稱第二層簽證(Tier 2 V ...全文