... 旗報告曾計算,玖紙及理文造紙(02314)於人民幣貶值1%的情況下,今年盈利將分別減少7.8%及4.5%。 另 ...全文
... 市偏穩,部分如紙業股理文造紙(02314)及化工、旅遊等板塊亦有望受惠。不過,在炒資金流及經濟放緩的藉口下,大 ...全文
Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. (02314.HK) is expecting e-commerce to drive demand for cardboard liners. Chief executive Lee Man-bun said the rapid growth of e-commerce means more and more sell ...More
EJ Insight2015-08-11
Hong Kong shares continued their decline for the fourth straight day on Thursday as investors worried over rising interbank rates. Despite news that manufacturing activity in the mainland is improving ...More
EJ Insight2013-10-24