高通(Qualcomm)表示,提高收購半導體商NXP的作價至每股127.5元(美元‧下同),並稱已獲得此前反對 ...全文
... Apple and Qualcomm. The rumored move suggests that the company may follow the path taken by Apple and develop its own processor for Pixel devices, rather than using Qualcomm solutions. If that happens ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-20
Qualcomm on Thursday rejected Broadcom's revised US$121 billion buyout offer, but nevertheless opened the door to talks with the rival US chipmaker. The company offered to meet with Broadcom to see wh ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-09
... hones and Qualcomm in wireless technology. The Trump administration will discuss the 5G network rollout issue in next three to six months. FCC commissioner Ajit Pai released a statement recently that ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-07
美國晶片製造商博通(Broadcom)收購同業高通(Qualcomm)有新進展。博通周一宣布加碼,收購價提高至 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年02月07日
Broadcom Ltd. made a US$121 billion “best and final offer” to acquire Qualcomm Inc., ratcheting up pressure on its US semiconductor peer to engage in talks on what would be the biggest ever technology ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-06
美國晶片製造商博通(Broadcom)提高收購同業高通(Qualcomm)的作價,至約1210億美元(約943 ...全文
... 市場主要持份者,以及Qualcomm在無線科技仍有領導地位之外,其他範疇方面包括在通訊系統及器材上,以至通訊標 ...全文
路透引述消息人士稱,美國晶片巨擘博通(Broadcom)有意提高收購高通(Qualcomm)的作價,令到交易價 ...全文
美國晶片製造商高通(Qualcomm)與聯想集團(00992)、廣東歐珀(OPPO)、Vivo和小米簽署價值至 ...全文
歐盟昨天裁定,美國晶片製造商高通(Qualcomm)透過向蘋果公司付款,換取對方保證iPhone及iPad只使 ...全文