
共 1385 個結果
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China’s history full of traps and contradictions

...  of these sharp contradictions, how can we reach a consensus on what history will be taught? – Contact us at [email protected] RT/CG ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-08

Why Britain needs EU allies after Brexit

... uffered a sharp slowdown in the second quarter of 2017, rising at 1.2 percent year on year, the weakest rate in five years. Almost all EU buyers in the UK property market withdrew after the Brexit vot ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-01

US bombers fly over Korean peninsula after North's missile test

... drawing a sharp warning from US President Donald Trump, Reuters reports. Trump's ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Twitter on Sunday that the United States was "done talking" about ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-31

HK financial crisis 20 years on: Will history repeat itself?

... ion and a sharp deflation of asset prices. Now the US has started to raise rates, coupled with an unprecedented attempt to shrink its balance sheet. We can’t help but think: will there be another fina ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-26


... 往的LED電視機強人Sharp,現在只剩下一款2015年生產的4K電視機,它還以特價發售,甚至是全場最平,但貨 ...全文


HK must change mentality to seize Belt & Road opportunities

... ere was a sharp decline in the currencies of members of the Commonwealth of Independent States, including Tajikistan, a result of the fall of the rouble. Tajikistan is heavily dependent on remittances ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-20

HK must change mentality to seize Belt & Road opportunities

... ere was a sharp decline in the currencies of members of ...全文

今日信報時事評論Mark O’Neill2017年07月20日

South Korea proposes military talks with Pyongyang

... llowing a sharp increase in tension over border incidents involving a landmine blast and artillery fire. The proposals come after Moon said at the G20 summit in Hamburg earlier this month that he was ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-17

Professionals need to be investors, too

... here is a sharp decline in the number of homes on the market for sale, that is also a key signal, he said. Simon firmly believes it is important for one to start somewhere, even if your first property ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-17

Inter-temporal shift of the intermediation spread

...  would go sharply higher over a short period, when investors would lose much money and fund raisers would have to pay much to raise money, if money is available at all; in other words the reversal occ ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-17


... k),就是因為看上了Sharp當年的威水手機,以為用完可以轉售保值。 故態復萌 在那個年代,日本手提電話月費計 ...全文


Trump defends Ivanka's seat at G20, draws Chelsea Clinton rebuke

US President Donald Trump defended his daughter Ivanka Trump on Monday after she took his place at a meeting of G20 world leaders, an event that raised some eyebrows and drew sharp rebuke from the dau ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-11

All eyes on Trump, Putin as they meet for first time

... ficult by sharp differences over Russia's actions in Syria and Ukraine, and allegations Moscow meddled in the 2016 US presidential election. That means every facial expression and physical gesture wil ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-07

Financial culture: Incentive and behavior

... receiving sharp attention, by both the financial regulators and those being regulated, called misconduct. After all, there are the codes of conduct and other rule books (regulatory, industry as well a ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-03

Why Fed balance sheet reduction won't hit HK home prices much

... cluding a sharp downturn in the previous year, economic recovery as well as the influx of money due to global monetary easing. Hong Kong’s monetary base has soared more than four times since the Feder ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-29

CY Leung work report touts achievements while omitting failures

... on of the sharp increases recorded in the local home prices and rent indexes, even as it highlighted various government efforts to rein in the property market and re-introduction of Home Ownership Sch ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-28


... 台灣鴻海成功收購日本Sharp的業務,震動日本商界;當時,日本傳媒也曾大肆報道Sharp屬意與產業革新機構基金 ...全文


MSCI adds China A-shares to global benchmark

... ng. "This sharp increase in international market participants will substantially change fundamental features of the market." The decision not to reclassify Argentina to an emerging market came as a su ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-21

Moody's cuts ratings on Australia's top banks amid housing fears

... ave risen sharply in recent years,” Moody’s said in the statement. While a sharp housing downturn isn’t its core scenario, “the tail risk represented by increased household sector indebtedness become ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-20

US lawmaker, others shot on baseball field by anti-Trump man

... about the sharp divide and bitter rhetoric in US politics. It also quickly revived debate about gun rights in America. Virginia's Democratic governor, Terry McAuliffe, urged gun control measures. "Thi ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-15

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