
共 1453 個結果
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Homeland Security proposing airport face scans for US citizens

... n a valid visa but did not depart when it expired. – Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-03

科技及金融股受壓 道指早段插逾200點

... 7%。 金融股回落,VISA股價下跌2.36%,暫時為跌幅最大的道指成分股;美國運通倒退1.60%,高盛都回吐 ...全文


Visa B2B跨境支付一天完成

全球支付科技公司VISA,在6月推出跨境支付平台「Visa B2B網絡(B2B Connect)」,令跨境支付 ...全文



... 付 微信支付則開放予VISA,讓該電子錢包可綁定海外銀行發出的信用卡,向內地數以百萬計商戶付款。據悉,今次開放 ...全文


業績參差沖淡貿談利好 美股破頂後個別發展

... 通反彈0.94%,但Visa回落1.89%,暫時為跌幅最大的道指成分股。 美元續強勢,ICE美滙指數暫攀升0. ...全文


Panel urges US to invest more in AI, cites China's progress

... g through visa and export controls. The challenge US officials face is that American industry and academic leaders have said that any such restrictions would harm the US economy, the report said. The ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-05


花旗銀行宣布,為Citi Visa信用卡客戶推出提早交稅優惠。 由即日至2020年2月29日期間,憑Citi ...全文


Why China wants to accelerate blockchain development

...  rival of Visa or Mastercard, has filed two blockchain services, including a digital certificate application and a blockchain-based tracking platform for cross-border capital transfers. As China seeks ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-30

銀行界暖男沙爾夫 膽大心細

... 與家人分隔兩岸而辭去Visa高職,為人雖然低調,但愛與人直接溝通,在決策上會先退一步思考,在改革上卻大膽勇往直 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2019年10月26日

中美貿談有進展 道指漲逾200點標指創新高

... r都漲約3%;高盛和Visa同漲逾1%。亞馬遜第三季業績遜預期,股價回落1.84%,報1748.03美元,盤初 ...全文


【國際早班車】高盛料儲局下周減息 結束利率中期調整

... 股價曾升逾7%。■ Visa第四季盈利按年升6%,經調整每股盈利勝預期。■ 美滙指數曾跌0.21%,美市尾段倒 ...全文


Visa上季多賺6% 市後股價升

Visa公布,截至9月30日止第四季,盈利按年升6%至30億美元;經調整後每股賺1.47美元,優於分析員預期1 ...全文


重磅股業績失望 美股續個別走

... 外,亞馬遜、英特爾及Visa等公司於收市後將發布季績。 歐洲央行維持利率不變,重申自11月1日起重啟淨資產購買 ...全文


China says US 'weaponizing' visas after space event no show

China has accused the United States of “weaponizing” visas, saying it has failed to grant them in time or at all for Chinese space officials for an international event in Washington, Reuters reports. ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-24

Taking advantage of the Malaysian property market downturn

... taining a visa in Malaysia is one of the cheapest and easiest processes in the world. Depending on your profile, a total fee between US$60 to US$100,000 can get you a 10-year multiple visits visa with ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-23


Visa最新調查發現,80%的港人選擇美食為到訪澳門的三大因素之一,其次為觀光(56%)和豪華酒店(50%)。 ...全文


Facebook open to currency-pegged stablecoins for Libra project

...  Inc. and Visa Inc. became the latest partners to quit the group behind the project. Other key members that have pulled out included Stripe, eBay Inc., Booking Holdings Inc. and PayPal Holdings Inc. G ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-21

美股本周焦點 : 科技巨擘業績料利弊參半

... ayPal與刷卡巨擘Visa。蘋果公司則會在再下一周才公布業績。 Huntington National Ba ...全文


港人轉捧美股 德美利淨流入飆2.3倍
離岸配置避險需求升 上季開戶多68%

... 球最大支付系統營運商Visa,在9月均錄得淨買入。 採訪、撰文:葉盛 ...全文


What's the thinking behind HK's new housing policy?

... nvestment visa scheme, encouraging mainlanders to buy flats and settle down in Hong Kong. For now, mainlanders may have little interest in moving to Hong Kong given the ongoing social turmoil in the c ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-18

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