
共 1153 個結果
頁數:1...32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ...58

CY wife's bizarre dresses and Peng Liyuan's Cantonese

... sidential block and mingled with residents and took part in the making of pop-up cards. The First Lady even chatted with residents in simple Cantonese as seen in a video clip. She greeted people with ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-30

How to protect yourself from sunburn

...  of it is blocked and reflected away by the atmosphere and so it does not do much harm to people. The seriousness of sunburn would depend on one's skin colour, ultraviolet light intensity and duration ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-30

Canada: Getting stronger though 130 years older than Hong Kong

... You don't block Wan Chai, the heart of the city, to ensure the safety of President Xi Jinping at the expense of the toiling, heaving masses of the district. And why should anyone prevent reporters fro ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-30

Toshiba sues Western Digital for US$1.1 bln

... eeking to block Toshiba’s transfer of ownership of the unit to a separate legal entity in preparation for a sale. Toshiba, which has since reversed that transfer, then had its lawyers send a letter de ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-29

Chasing shadows in bygone Hong Kong

... ing could block any sunlight. Ho came up with an ingenious idea. He invited his cousin to stand under the wall on a sunny day, and cast a shadow by hands in the darkroom, where he silently developed h ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-23

North Korea tests rocket engine in ICBM push: US official

...  the SM-3 Block IIA interceptor, which is being developed by Raytheon. The previous intercept test, conducted in February, had been successful. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-23

Toshiba picks Japan-led group as preferred bidder for chip unit

... stumbling block for the sale as the government-led consortium has told Toshiba it needs to resolve the dispute prior to the investment, sources briefed on the matter have said. Western Digital, which ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-21

New treatment options for acne

Acne, a common skin condition among adolescents, is caused by the excess production of sebum by sebaceous glands, blocked hair follicles, propionibacterium acnes bacterial infection and inflammation o ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-16

Foxconn says Apple, Dell joining bid for Toshiba chip business

... d it will block any deal that would risk the transfer of key chip technology out of the country. Gou said that the Foxconn-led consortium contained no Chinese capital and had the advantage of not invi ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-13

敏華復牌遇狙擊 彈26%回軟
傳中資低撈 挾淡倉圖利

... 洛克(Carson Block)周三向傳媒透露,質疑敏華存在隱藏的未披露債務,從而誇大了公司的盈利能力及自由現 ...全文


Woman dies in Hunan road mishap with no one helping her

... m or even block the oncoming traffic to prevent her from being hit again. Others explained that it is not that people do not want to help, but most of them fear getting into trouble if they lend a hel ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-09

Trump names new FBI chief; Comey gives testimony

... fforts to block the truth, the nomination of Christopher Wray should be subject to the utmost scrutiny." -- Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-08

一日狙擊兩股 敏華達利重挫

... 洛克(Carson Block)質疑敏華隱藏債務,從而誇大盈利能力等。渾水同時爆料,指另一沽空機構FG Alp ...全文



渾水創辦人布洛克(Carson Block)接受傳媒訪問時,解說如何篩選有造假嫌疑的公司以進行狙擊,若上市公司 ...全文



... 洛克(Carson Block)接受外電訪問時預告,今天將公布新的狙擊目標。消息引起市場揣測,手機零件股見沽壓 ...全文


老千股風聲緊 早監管利股民

... 洛克(Carson Block)接受彭博訪問時表示,目前有部分港股造假,大股東透過「人頭」操控股價,由於這類股 ...全文


渾水預告狙擊 嚇冧敏華通達

沽空機構渾水(Muddy Waters)創辦人布洛克(Carson Block)【圖】打「開口牌」,接受彭博訪 ...全文


Theresa May will win but not by a landslide

... apartment block in central London, will there be enough bankers and professionals to rent it from you?” he said. “Will they move to Dublin or Frankfurt?” – Contact us at [email protected] RT/RA ...More

EJ Insight2017-06-01

Prices of subsidized housing units soar to record highs

... a unit in Block 2 of the residential estate was sold for HK$7.19 million, or HK$16,700 per square foot, on the secondary market, marking a new record for HOS flats. The previous high for such units wa ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-26


沽空機構渾水(Muddy Waters)創辦人Carson Block又再唱淡中國,他認為,內地信貸收縮將衝擊 ...全文


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