
共 3000 個結果
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Infrastructure for the next American century

...  needs to keep pace. But America’s post-World War II prosperity was based on more than good roads and bridges; it drew on a much broader push to generate shared scientific knowledge and put it to work ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-03


... 10分鐘圖就見到指數keep住跌穿喺保歷加通道以外水平,而保歷加通道口keep住拓闊;至到小時圖一大支陰燭橫跨 ...全文


TSMC must balance U.S. and China markets

... rs cannot keep pace. Li Shaohua, deputy secretary-general of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, said that, in the first two months of this year, China’s automakers cut production by 5- ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-29

TSMC must balance U.S. and China markets

... rs cannot keep pace. Li Shaohua, deputy secretary-gener ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2021年04月29日

Why HK could not get a better air bubble deal?

... masks and keep the TraceTogether mobile app, the Singapore version of LeavehomeSafe, active throughout the trip. Perhaps we can’t complain much because at least we can go outside Hong Kong to breathe, ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-28

Chance to travel at last

... ation and keep it activated during their stay. ATB travellers from Singapore to Hong Kong are also required to download the local LeaveHomeSafe app. Many are likely to welcome the relaunch of the ATB. ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-27

Hong Kong has no politicians

... n was to 'keep things running as they were'. Hong Kong ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian YS Wong2021年04月27日

Hong Kong has no politicians

... n was to ‘keep things running as they were’. Hong Kong was to be governed by bureaucrats and administrators, folks who are well-trained and -versed in the language of the procedural and protocol, in a ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-26

Greening of the Asian financial ecosystem takes great strides

... o well to keep up, to innovate and to deepen liquidity in local markets for new green financing instruments. In Hong Kong, the Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po announced in January 2020 that the go ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-22


... ddle men. Keep full control over your copyrights and re ...全文


【輪證贏家】恒指上破50天線 上望保歷加通道頂部

... TC(14,3)勢頭Keep住向上,不過兩線都上到嚴重超買水平,再開埋保歷加通道的話,其實會見到指數重返保歷加 ...全文


Saving Myanmar

...  order to keep communication channels open and flowing. ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年04月16日


... 到依家10點23分都keep到條氣向上爬,噚日揀咗嘅中油Call(23690)依家見到都有6.3%升幅,再見返 ...全文


Is stagflation coming?

... rates can keep debt burdens sustainable. Monetary-policy normalization at this point would crash bond and credit markets, and then stock markets, inciting a recession. Central banks have effectively l ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-15

【輪證贏家】放中石油入watch list

... 展(00823)都仲keep得住噚日嘅升勢,不過呢堆股份喺輪證場上屬冷門資產,所以對炒輪證嘅人嚟講,觀賞用吧! ...全文


Saving Myanmar

...  order to keep communication channels open and flowing. More importantly, however, it behooves China to lay down its baselines in the country – but with two specific objectives in mind. The first is t ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-14

A ban on blank ballots would be terrible for sound governance

...  order to keep the opposition out of official instituti ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年04月14日


... STC(14,3)亦keep住上行,由此前嘅超賣向中軸方向出發。 恒指牛(61877),收回價28200點,同 ...全文


A ban on blank ballots would be terrible for sound governance

...  order to keep the opposition out of official institutions. Indeed, the prohibition of blank ballots is gratuitous at best – and would foster an active regression away from meritocratic governance. He ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-13


... 唔知,我只係知道已經keep住叫佢哋hold住,一日唔集齊兩個印花,一日都唔好出反手住:五分鐘圖見保歷加通道口 ...全文


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