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The Sandbox明售逾550虛擬地
3.5萬港元起 7幅ESTATES供拍賣

... 當中包括超過550塊LAND(虛擬土地),供一批去中心化自治組織(DAO)及個別人士認購。 官方網誌顯示,We ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年02月09日

Proper execution mechanism should follow gov’t structural reform

...  national land use planning and conservation authority, not only does URA formulate strategic Master Plans for Marina Bay and the whole country, but it is also responsible for urban design, the sale o ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-07

Why do animals have rights?

... space and land on Mars, one could attribute to me a rig ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年01月29日


... ,收購Superb Land Limited的40%股權。 交易完成後,英皇集團(00163)及明發集團(00 ...全文



... SAND代幣及土地(LAND)。 花市轉戰網上 用VR選購年貨 與此同時,農曆新年臨近,本港有團體透過虛擬技術 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年01月28日

Why do animals have rights?

... space and land on Mars, one could attribute to me a right to travel to Mars… Whilst the former example seems intuitive enough, the latter seems a tad implausible – surely, we have the right to live, t ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-27


... 用途」(mixed land use),剛好構成了香港規劃史上的兩個極端。不問可知,現時天水圍街坊要處理日常生 ...全文



... 英股British Land Company Plc (BLND.L),在港人移英趨勢下,BLND股價已由35 ...全文


Private credit assets as catalysts for climate impact

...  order to land in a safe operating space for humanity?” Much of the answer lies in action within the real economy, where private credit is essential to catalysing and scaling additional impact. -- Con ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-18

Fighting deforestation on the ground

... survey of land-use dynamics in the Brazilian Amazon conducted over the course of two years offers some insights into how governments and non-governmental actors can promote forest conservation at the ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-11

Implications of a reshaping of global semiconductor supply chain

... n the mainland. Importantly, China’s semiconductor industry enjoys significant government support. The Chinese government has committed USD150 bn till 2030 to build a thriving domestic IC ecosystem. T ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-10

The Sandbox下周賣元宇宙地皮
夥演藝商界名人 建造文化中心

... 夜店BlueArk Land;著名港產遊戲《小朋友齊打交》亦會在Mega City內建立以九龍城等為主題的虛擬 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年01月06日

與博士後為鄰 樓價贏在起跑線

... 府土地註冊局(HM Land Registry)統計,倫敦2021年9月平均樓價報50.7萬英鎊(約530萬港 ...全文


Qianhai: Starting point for HK to build up a new growth engine

... n the Mainland will promote the diversification of Hong Kong’s economy and provide Hong Kong people with a greater variety of employment opportunities. The respondents were also of the opinion that "h ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-24


...  Promised Land),講述他從年輕參政至當選總統,及其第一個任期所發生的經歷、與不同人的交流點滴。從 ...全文


Economies of truth

... , not the land of Magna Carta. Careful reading of this grotesque gothic confection reveals a provision which empowers the police to hold someone on Police bail for up to 9 months without requiring a c ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-21

英國Staines upon Thames小鎮響名聲
倚傍泰晤士河成賣點 初創進駐旺租務

... 府土地註冊局(HM Land Registry)數據顯示,今年8月薩里郡整體平均住宅樓價47.96萬英鎊(約4 ...全文


Food for thought: The soybean journey from East to West

... d produce land intensive farmed goods to send east. Though Brazil has surpassed the U.S. to become the biggest producer of soybeans, the United States’ role remains central in the global soybean trade ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-10


... icultural land by invoking the Lands Resumption Ordinan ...全文


The Prince and the Bishop

...  piece of land for housing purposes. The decades-long training affords Bishop Chow the rare qualification and unique experiences that may come in handy when facing great challenges in bridging the gre ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-08

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