... 中尋找領導股。 山東新華製藥(00719)上月發盈喜,預期今年中期盈利按年增長1倍至1.5倍,即盈利介乎920 ...全文
... 醫藥(03320)、新華製藥(00719)及東瑞藥業(02348)。上周亦提及一眾礦業資產股偏強,無論是鞍鋼( ...全文
... 加11.22%;山東新華製藥股份(00719)今年首9個月,純利8918萬元,折合約一億港元,按年升44.35 ...全文
A slew of bad news hit the market recently, but it may turn out to be good news for Hong Kong equities. The massive fines faced by Deutsche Bank and the possibility of a hard Brexit are increasing glo ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-11
... (00042)、山東新華製藥(00719)、海信科龍(00921)、浙江世寶(01057)、濰柴動力(0233 ...全文
... 浙江世寶、山東墨龍、新華製藥等表現較佳,卻無法牽動滬指挑戰三千一點大關,且經歷十一個交易日窄幅上落後,昨天又連 ...全文
港股受惠資金流入,恒指在7、8月份反覆尋頂創今年新高,並出現過去30年內第19次黃金交叉訊號(即50天線升破2 ...全文
Hong Kong market has benefited this month from capital inflows as some investors withdrew money from Europe and returned to Asia. But the outlook for the next few months is hazy as it is uncertain wh ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-26
... 日後「深港通」的山東新華製藥(00719)預期中期盈利增幅逾60%,並受惠醫藥工業十三五規劃將出台;有手遊及專 ...全文
... 期相比有所好轉。山東新華製藥(00719)發盈喜,估計上半年盈利按年增長六成至九成,主要實現節能降耗,降低產品 ...全文
Brexit vote has triggered huge volatility in global financial markets, giving anxious moments to investors. While trading will remain choppy in the near term, the chaos stemming from the UK referendu ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-29
... (02208)與山東新華製藥(00719)均有炒作價值;一批本地券商股亦可加留意,英國脫歐有利日後A股入MSC ...全文
... 讓62.35%的山東新華製藥(00719)急升6%;折讓60.9%的海信科龍(00921)飆升10.7%;折讓 ...全文
China’s A-share market may face downward correction risk in the short term given that authorities are looking for a well-supported bull market instead of a relentless crazy bull, which goes against th ...More
EJ Insight2015-01-06
Hong Kong stocks closed lower Tuesday, tracking losses by their mainland counterparts. The benchmark Hang Seng Index slipped 71 points, or 0.32 percent, to 22,317. The Hang Seng China Enterprises Inde ...More
EJ Insight2014-02-25