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... 度開始前的成批出售(block sales),scatter則是針對個別客戶需要在季中的逐次發售。幸好,SNI ...全文


Global tech companies urge China to delay cybersecurity law

... powers to block a technology company’s products. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC/RA ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-16

Western Digital seeks arbitration in row over Toshiba unit sale

... party can block a change of control by the other partner. It argues Western Digital itself acquired the joint venture interest when it bought SanDisk, and never sought or received Toshiba's approval. ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-15


... (Lawrence Block)的《光與暗的故事》(In Sunlight or In Shadow)是個由E ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 萬卷書仰止2017年05月13日

New AIDS drugs add 10 years to patients' life expectancy

... rugs that block the HIV virus' replication. This helps prevent and repair damage to the immune system caused by the HIV, and also prevents onward spread of the disease. The World Health Organization n ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-11


... ayan Salt Block 「喜瑪拉雅山鹽石燒韓牛」。   ...全文


World steps up fight against fake news

...  strictly block the spread of fake news. It still takes time to see the results but I believe tackling the problem at its root is a truly effective measure. From an optimistic point of view, every par ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-09


... 或是把對方「屏蔽」(block)。不同聲音被屏蔽後,用戶便沉浸於「同道者」的語境中,對自身堅持的觀點深信不疑了 ...全文


Chungking Mansions, asylum seekers and an Indian social worker

Chungking Mansions is more likely to be viewed in an unflattering light by locals, thanks to the 17-storey tenement block's seedy reputation of housing a motley mix of people and trades and all their ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-26

Time for the pan-democrats to ditch filibusters

... ceeded in blocking Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying's funding request for expanding his cabinet. If anything, that was their hour of glory. However, as the other moderate pan-democrats such as the Demo ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-26

Google takes aim at fake news, misleading search results

... little to block misinformation during the US presidential election last year.  Ben Gomes, vice president of engineering for Google, said 0.25 percent of daily search queries return "offensive or clear ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-26

Facebook's Zuckerberg bets on augmented reality

...  in a one-block radius," he said. Eventually, he said, people would use augmented reality on eyewear, although he did not give any details about possible Facebook hardware. In 2014, Facebook acquired ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-19

Why Hong Kong is so slow in adopting new technology

... stered to block government policy on technology. However, the sad state of affairs in the city's technology front has nothing to do with filibustering at Legco. No-one is to blame but the government’ ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-18

Alibaba's Ant beats rival offer for US electronic payment firm

... stumbling block for several Chinese deals in the United States and a deal with Euronet is likely to be more agreeable to US policymakers amid rising tensions between Washington and Beijing over trade ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-18

Twitter refuses to reveal user behind anti-Trump account

Twitter Inc. has filed a federal lawsuit to block an order by the US government demanding that it reveal who is behind an account opposed to President Donald Trump's tough immigration policies, Reuter ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-07

Donald Trump’s Ferrari underperforms at Florida auction

A 2007 Ferrari F430 F1 Coupe once owned by US President Donald Trump fell short of its low estimate when it left the auction block in Florida over the weekend. Bidding on the car stopped at US$240,000 ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-03

Why business is greener than Trump

...  chopping block may be the Clean Power Plan, which limits greenhouse-gas emissions from generating plants – by far the country’s largest source of CO2 emissions – with the goal of cutting carbon pollu ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-31

Property investment: Why Birmingham should be on your radar

... stumbling block for individuals attempting to invest in UK property is often the cash outlay required. The price of an average investment property in London is high enough to be a barrier to entry to ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-30

The straw that broke Huishan Dairy's back

... h. Carson Block, founder of Muddy Waters Capital, said he was surprised by the share price plunge. "It’s definitely not what I expected to happen. I haven't ever been involved with a stock that holds ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-29


... 或者連Carson Block都始料不及,但奇高的命中率不禁讓人反思,莫非真的通街假貨?訪問中Block指出, ...全文


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