... taining a visa in Malaysia is one of the cheapest and easiest processes in the world. Depending on your profile, a total fee between US$60 to US$100,000 can get you a 10-year multiple visits visa with ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-23
... Inc. and Visa Inc. became the latest partners to quit the group behind the project. Other key members that have pulled out included Stripe, eBay Inc., Booking Holdings Inc. and PayPal Holdings Inc. G ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-21
... ayPal與刷卡巨擘Visa。蘋果公司則會在再下一周才公布業績。 Huntington National Ba ...全文
... 球最大支付系統營運商Visa,在9月均錄得淨買入。 採訪、撰文:葉盛 ...全文
... nvestment visa scheme, encouraging mainlanders to buy flats and settle down in Hong Kong. For now, mainlanders may have little interest in moving to Hong Kong given the ongoing social turmoil in the c ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-18
Facebook, whose digital currency project Libra has been abandoned by several high-profile partners including PayPal, Visa and Mastercard, still expects to get 100 banks and financial firms on board on ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-17
... 次結果都係一樣,與批visa續期沒什麼不同。 DUP抵制約翰遜新方案消息傳出後,鎊滙非但全無反應,比周二仲硬淨 ...全文
... ,包括PayPal、Visa及萬事達卡等,創始成員由原先的28個減至21個。截至目前,創始成員中沒有銀行。 針 ...全文
... stercard)及Visa,以及未在牛市期間出售卡夫亨氏食品及IBM等,存在決策失誤,以致股價表現長期跑輸標 ...全文
... Inc. and Visa Inc. abandoned the Geneva-based Libra Association. EBay Inc., fintech startup Stripe and payments company Mercado Pago also pulled the plug. The exodus followed warnings from politician ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-15
... , Stripe, Visa and Mastercard, drop out of the project, reportedly due to regulatory pressure. – Contact us at [email protected] BN/RC ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-14
Facebook Inc.’s ambitious efforts to establish a global digital currency called Libra suffered more setbacks as major payment companies including Mastercard and Visa Inc. quit the group behind the pro ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-14
... ,以及支付系統營運商Visa與萬事達卡(Mastercard)等4間公司分別宣布,退出由fb成立、獨立監管li ...全文
繼續支付網絡巨頭Mastercard的分析。以2017年全球處理支付金額計,Visa、Mastercard、A ...全文
... estricted visas for certain Chinese officials over the same issue and Beijing was said to be planning to tighten visa restrictions for some US nationals. But Chinese officials indicated more willingne ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-11
... announced visa restrictions on Chinese government and Communist Party officials it believes responsible for the detention or abuse of Muslim minorities in Xinjiang province. China has denied any mistr ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-10
China is planning tighter visa restrictions for US nationals with ties to anti-China groups, following similar US restrictions on Chinese nationals, Reuters reports, citing people with knowledge of th ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-09
The United States has imposed visa restrictions on Chinese government and Communist Party officials it believes responsible for the detention or abuse of Muslim minorities in Xinjiang province, Reuter ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-09
... stercard)、Visa等多家大企業組成的Libra協會,旨在監督Libra的運作。 各國反對擬嚴管 不過 ...全文