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撰寫有關內容營銷的專欄文章已一段日子。眼見身邊不少朋友逐漸採用各式內容營銷策略,效果不俗,甚至考慮增聘人手專責 ...全文


Theranos founder faces ban for problems at California lab: WSJ

US Federal health regulators have proposed banning Theranos Inc. founder Elizabeth Holmes from the blood-testing business for at least two years as it was found that the company failed to fix deficien ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-14


近年國際科學界最重要的發現,莫過於歐洲核子研究組織(CERN)於2012年發現俗稱「上帝粒子」(God Par ...全文


資金追買同業 東吳證券發力

繼華林證券之後,國泰君安也上調了融資融券(孖展及借貨沽空)擔保證券折算率,平均折算率約56.2%,主要針對藍籌 ...全文


HSI ends higher as investors soak up holiday mood

Hong Kong's benchmark Hang Seng Index (HSI) edged up in quiet trade Thursday, a day before the long Easter holiday. The market will reopen next Tuesday. The HSI rose 64 points or 0.28 percent to close ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-17

HSI rises as Hutchison moves to spin off Watson

The Hong Kong benchmark Hang Seng Index (HSI) was buoyed by news that Hutchison Whampoa (00013.HK) has enlisted three banks to help spin off international retail unit A.S. Watson & Co next year. T ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-18

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