
共 1453 個結果
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雷蛇蔚來跨界合作 推出限量版電動車

... 遊戲手機,早前宣布與Visa合作,把Visa的全球網絡和覆蓋範圍擴展至東南亞的Razer Pay電子錢包用戶, ...全文


道指跌幅擴至逾900點 納指挫超過4%

... %;金融股表現亦差,VISA挫5.77%,暫時為跌幅最大的道指成分股,高盛倒退4.16%,摩根大通回吐3.57 ...全文


道指跌幅擴至逾800點 三大指數齊挫逾3%

... %;金融股表現亦差,VISA暫挫5.02%,高盛倒退4.16%,摩根大通回吐3.57%。 美國總統特朗普上周四 ...全文


How LINE is navigating its financial services foray

... ts giants Visa and Mastercard, among other global brands such as Booking.com and Uber, no banks were on the initial list of 27 partners for the Libra Association, which will oversee the new cryptocurr ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-05

Why it's in Beijing's interest to preserve HK autonomy

...  here. No visa is required for citizens of many countries; visitors can say, read and listen to what they want, access any Internet site and do not expect their telephone to be tapped or e-mails monit ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-01

Libra損及收益 政府銀行拒撐

... astercard及Visa是聯盟成員,PayPal等金融支付系統也加盟,一切茅塞頓開。 有別於比特幣,「礦工 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2019年08月01日

Would protesters sell their residency and live somewhere else?

... nvestment visa. One can apply if they invest around HK$1.5 million in Taiwan by setting up, acquiring or buying a stake in a local company. They can obtain citizenship via this channel within one year ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-31

滙豐PayMe將接入轉數快 信用卡增值額降

... 戶口、或任何一張港元Visa或萬事達個人信用卡增值服務。另外,信用卡的每月增值上限由5000元調整至2000元 ...全文


How Adyen quietly helps firms handle payments

... including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and others, while also accepting Apple Pay, Android Pay, and other mobile payment methods. "Think about it, in the legacy [payment] world, where you had a ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-29


... 不同平台,才能轉送到Visa等主要網絡及發卡銀行以完成交易。 Hayashi指出,「這個運作方式難免會出現訊息 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年07月29日

理財通識賽 迎智慧城市 風采中學學生轉化知識奠勝

... 各福群會為活動夥伴,Visa全力支持的「全港通識理財問答比賽2019」,風采中學(教育評議會主辦)的參賽學生在 ...全文



Visa行政總裁Alfred F. Kelly透露,暫時仍未有公司正式加入社交平台Facebook(fb)虛擬 ...全文


Visa上季業績勝預期 調高全年盈測

全球最大支付系統營運商Visa公布,截至6月底第三季,淨利潤按年升33%至31億美元。每股A股經調整利潤為1. ...全文



... 升12.56%。■ Visa第二季純利按年升33%,每股A股經調整盈利勝預期;集團調高年度盈利預測。■ 聯合技 ...全文



Visa公布,投資印尼召車程式公司及支付平台GOJEK的F輪融資,雙方將為印尼及東南亞地區消費者,帶來更多樣化 ...全文


Huawei rolling out new products to enhance user stickiness

... s such as Visa and Mastercard, Huawei Pay only accepts UnionPay cards. The reason is that UnionPay played a key role in the development of Huawei Pay when the project started three years ago. UnionPay ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-17


... 珠寶店,在一天之內用Visa和萬事達卡(Mastercard)白金信用卡,購買了總值大約80萬美元(約624萬 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年07月17日

Why the number of digital nomads is on the rise

... d a smart visa program in 2018. The program is aimed at luring foreign talents and investors to work and invest in the nation for up to four years. Chiang Mai has become a haven for digital nomads. Lo ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-15

Visa joins funding for no-password crypto startup Anchorage

Global payment giant Visa has invested millions of dollars in Anchorage, a startup that provides cryptocurrency custody services for institutional investors. The two companies are founding members of ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-12


... 年推出「Smart Visa」,以4年期簽證吸引國外科技人才和投資者,清邁成為一眾遊牧民的天堂。當地開設了愈來 ...全文


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