... 主要不良資產管理公司中國信達(01359)建有合資企業。 海岸投資(Shoreline Capital)正在為 ...全文
... )從善如流,終止認購中國信達(01359)19.08億股新H股的協議,股價翌日隨即反彈,但相信短期難以重回認購 ...全文
今日信報理財投資股海One Piece費高2016年02月06日
... 價超過58億元,入股中國信達(01359)近5%權益;戴Sir相信,這宗建議交易也熔斷了中生製藥股東的心。 中 ...全文
... 售南洋商業銀行,只有中國信達(01359)一個買家,並無競爭者,反映出市場對收購銀行的意向。 大新的策略探討暫 ...全文
中國生物製藥(01177)公布,將認購中國信達(01359)新股近5%,並召開股東特別大會要求股東批准。而股價 ...全文
... 業務,早前以溢價購入中國信達(01359)4.999%股權,一方面可配合其在金融與醫療領域合作,另方面亦反映其 ...全文
港股近期表現疲弱,但中國生物製藥(01177)仍決定以高溢價入股中國信達(01359),並須向銀行融資,以支付 ...全文
中銀香港(02388)出售南洋商業銀行,由傳出消息直至確認,再經招標程序接近一年,最近終於訂立股權買賣協議,仍 ...全文
... 市賬率(P⁄B),向中國信達(01359)出售南洋商業銀行,總代價為680億元;預計出售後將可獲得稅前收益逾3 ...全文
China’s largest bad loans manager is selling troubled assets on Alibaba's Taobao marketplace, widening the reach of the e-commerce giant beyond online retail sales. China Huarong Asset Management Co. ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-16
China Cinda Asset Management Co. Ltd. (01359.HK) has put in the sole bid for a small bank in Hong Kong that BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd. (02388.HK), the bank's parent firm, wants to sell for US$8.8 bil ...More
EJ Insight2015-08-28
China Resources Group is believed to be among the contenders for Nanyang Commercial Bank, which is being offloaded by BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Ltd. (BOCHK, 02388.HK). The state-backed conglomerate has ...More
EJ Insight2015-07-24
BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) (02388.HK) is seeking to sell its unit Nanyang Commercial Bank for a minimum of HK$68 billion through the Beijing Financial Assets Exchange, the Hong Kong Economic Journal rep ...More
EJ Insight2015-07-16
A Hong Kong company is building a 38-story residential tower in Midtown, the first condominium project in Manhattan by a Chinese developer without a local partner. Euro Properties recently unveiled 11 ...More
EJ Insight2015-05-13
Taobao, Alibaba Group's flagship e-commerce website, is diversifying its online offerings -- trinkets and household goods have now been joined by bad loans from factories. China Cinda Asset Management ...More
EJ Insight2015-03-27