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Sony launches PlayStation 4 in China next week

Sony Corp. will start selling its flagship PlayStation 4 videogame console in mainland China after weeks of delay. It said the top selling gear will be released in the mainland on Friday next week, al ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-11

Sony names new movie studio chief in aftermath of cyberattack

Sony Pictures Entertainment has named veteran film executive Tom Rothman, a force behind the blockbusters Titanic and Avatar, to head its movie studio in a revamp prompted by the fallout from a cybera ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-25

Tencent, Lenovo pile into new platforms

... T.US) and Sony (6753.JP). The Chinese companies are hardly alone in this kind of rush into new platforms, which has seen internet firms develop an interest in device makers and vice versa. Just this w ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-10

Sony Pictures co-chair Amy Pascal steps down

Sony Pictures Entertainment co-chairperson Amy Pascal has resigned following a recent online attack against the studio that exposed embarrassing emails between her and other Hollywood figures. Pascal, ...More

EJ Insight2015-02-06

New US sanctions seek to dry up funding for N Korea

... attack on Sony Pictures, which he blames on Pyongyang. North Korea has denied any involvement. Glaser said past sanctions had already discouraged "hundreds" of overseas banks, including China's major ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-14

Sony delays sale of PlayStation 4 in China

Sony announced on Thursday that it is delaying the sale of its PlayStation 4 videogame console in China, without specifying the reasons, the Wall Street Journal reported. The Japanese electronics gian ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-09

FBI says Sony hackers 'got sloppy', left clues to identity

Hackers behind the cyberattack on Sony Pictures Entertainment sometimes "got sloppy" and posted material from IP addresses used exclusively by the North Korean government, the US Federal Bureau of Inv ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-08

N Korea hits out at new US sanctions after Sony hack

North Korea has slammed new sanctions imposed on it by the US in the wake of the cyber-attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment, the Wall Street Journal reported. "The persistent and unilateral action ta ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-05

Do economic sanctions work?

... attack on Sony Pictures’ computers has been rightly condemned, it must be admitted that from the perspective of the North Korean elite, their country simply applied economic retaliation much like anyo ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-05

Hon Hai under pressure to boost transparency, dividends

Contract manufacturer Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., which counts Apple Inc. and Sony Inc. as major customers, is coming under intense pressure from big shareholders to boost dividends and increase t ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-31

Taiwan clears smartphone makers over data privacy

...  Inc. and Sony Corp., did not violate the laws. However, the NCC will require mobile phone makers to make data transmission more secure, according to James Lou, an official who was involved in the tes ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-31

Kim Jong-un comedy earns over US$15 mln in online sales

Sony Pictures said The Interview has earned more than US$15 million in online sales and another US$2.8 million in theaters. The film, a comedy depicting the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jo ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-29

South Korea seeks resumption of talks with North

... attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment. North Korea has denied responsibility for the hack against Sony, which distributed a comedy film featuring an assassination plot against the North's leader, Kim ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-29

Full houses, no attacks, as The Interview screens in US cinemas

Sony's controversial comedy The Interview packed US cinemas in limited release Christmas Day. No incidents were reported at the screenings of the film -- which features a plot to kill North Korean dic ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-29

S Korea raises cyber security after nuclear data hack

... attack on Sony Pictures and vowed to respond proportionately. Anti-nuclear activists in South Korea have also protested against the use of nuclear power, according to the news agency. -- Contact us at ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-24

Sony caves to US public on Kim Jong-un flick

... cision by Sony Pictures to screen The Interview followed a public backlash over the cancellation of a scheduled Christmas Day showing after threats from North Korean hackers.    Sony chairman Michael ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-24

Life in N Korea 'living nightmare', US tells Security Council

... acking of Sony Pictures, which Washington blames on North Korea. She dismissed as "absurd" North Korea's calls for a joint investigation of the incident with the US and threats of retaliation if it re ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-23

Cyber attack seen in massive North Korea internet outage

... ttacks on Sony Pictures which government officials have linked to North Korea. A cyber attack on North Korea’s networks was suspected but there was no definitive evidence of it, the New York Times rep ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-23

US may put Pyongyang back on terror list over Sony hacking

President Barack Obama said the United States may classify North Korea a state sponsor of terrorism after its cyber attack on Sony Pictures. Obama said the hacking of the Hollywood studio was not an a ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-22

US mulls response to cyberattack on Sony Pictures

The White House said it was considering a "proportional" response to a cyberattack on Sony Pictures, Reuters reported. A government official said Thursday US investigators were looking into the possib ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-19

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