... 份;美國私募基金公司Advent International亦入股Dufry,持有11.4%股份。 本月初,阿 ...全文
... a and the advent of new technology have numbed our sens ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2020年10月06日
... a and the advent of new technology have numbed our senses and amplified our worst excesses. They have encouraged media outlets and politicians alike to favour sound-bites – short, plithy quips that ca ...More
EJ Insight2020-10-05
... with the advent of World War I. But the arrangement continued to play an important role until August 1971, when US President Richard Nixon surprised the world by abruptly ending the dollar’s converti ...More
EJ Insight2020-08-24
... efore the advent of mobile money and expanded banking services, providing cash or food directly to citizens tended to open the door for corruption. Fuel subsidies offered a way around this problem, be ...More
EJ Insight2020-05-21
... 財團,而另一個則是由Advent與Cinven組成的財團。 市場估計,蒂森克虜伯希望透過公開二選一的商討過程, ...全文
... since the advent of the cookie. But over the last three years, data breaches and new privacy laws in California and Europe have prompted major changes at internet businesses. Google said its new restr ...More
EJ Insight2020-01-15
... 財團,以及由私募基金Advent與Cinven,夥拍阿布扎比投資局組成的財團。芬蘭的Kone則夥拍美國私募基金 ...全文
英國政府在評估國家安全風險後,同意美國私募基金Advent可以斥資50億美元(390億港元),收購當地國防產品 ...全文
英國商務大臣利雅華(Andrea Leadsom)上周五發聲明表示,由於美國私募基金公司Advent Inte ...全文
路透報道,美國服裝與鞋類產品集團VF,以及私募基金Permira與Advent,正參與競購由凱雷(Carlyl ...全文
... 聯合利華、漢高,以及Advent和Cinven等多個收購基金。 Coty已聘請瑞信代為接觸可能買家,計劃下月公 ...全文
... tter, the advent of open API is a game-changer. A financial institution can work through technology companies to access the data from, say, an e-commerce site or a merchant, and develop new products f ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-05
... 9%。 SEAVI Advent Ocean Private Equity Limited因違反《操守準則》, ...全文
... 對電梯業務虎視眈眈,Advent International及Cinven已與阿布扎比投資管理局(ADIA)聯 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年09月27日
《華爾街日報》引述消息人士報道,Permira和Advent International兩家私募基金公司聯手向 ...全文