
共 63 個結果
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Beijing Enterprises acquires German waste-to-energy firm

... uity fund EQT for an equity price of 1.44 billion euro (US$1.59 billion), it said. Including debt and liabilities, the overall price would be slightly above 1.8 billion euro, a record for a Chinese in ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-05

北控作價125億 購廢物能源公司

昨晨停牌的北京控股(00392)晚上宣布,擬以初步作價14.38億歐羅(約125.3億港元),向基金EQT I ...全文


Uber group joins chase of Nokia map unit

... yout firm EQT Partners A.B. The deal could be worth as much as US$4 billion, Bloomberg reported Wednesday, citing people with knowledge of the matter. Microsoft Corp. has offered to buy a minority sta ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-20

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