... 功發射「獵鷹9號」(Falcon 9)火箭升空,載有兩名美國太空人的「龍飛船」(Crew Dragon)太空艙 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年06月09日
... 空人的「獵鷹9號」(Falcon 9)火箭升空,而火箭搭載的「龍飛船」(Crew Dragon)安全把兩人送至 ...全文
... 將發射「獵鷹9號」(Falcon 9)火箭,搭載兩名美國太空人前往國際太空站的任務無關。「獵鷹9號」原定周三在 ...全文
... ceX「獵鷹9號」(Falcon 9)火箭搭載的載人太空艙「龍飛船」(Crew Dragon),在美國佛羅里達 ...全文
... 用火箭「獵鷹9號」(Falcon 9),發射載人飛船「龍飛船」(Crew Dragon),將兩名太空人送上國際 ...全文
... ,「獵鷹1號」火箭(Falcon 1)才試射成功,鼓勵對方再接再厲。 SpaceX擊敗波音,成為首間載人上太空 ...全文
... workhorse Falcon 9 rockets and Dragon crew capsules. The future facility, which may incorporate renovations to abandoned warehouse and workshop structures on the site, is expected to provide 130 new j ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-26
... 生測試中,獵鷹九號(Falcon 9)運載火箭在佛羅里達州卡納維拉爾角(Cape Canaveral)升空,9 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年01月21日
... ainstream Falcon compact car, and quickly became a hit, far surpassing the company’s sales projections. In the early 1990s, with the economy in a slump, a small group of Ford employees rebelled agains ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-18
... ocket and Falcon 1 – the company’s first vehicle whose debut orbital mission was celebrated by SpaceX 11 years ago. “The critical breakthrough that’s needed for us to become a space-faring civilizatio ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-30
... 6年SpaceX首個Falcon火箭發射後33秒出事,Falcon 1試飛第四次才成功。Falcon至今已發展 ...全文
A SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket blasted off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Tuesday, putting 24 experimental satellites into orbit after what Elon Musk’s rocket company called one of its “most di ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-26
... 四發射「獵鷹9號」(Falcon 9),把星鏈(Starlink)系統首批60個小衞星送到近地軌道。馬斯克稱, ...全文
... 進展迅速,獵鷹火箭(Falcon)已完成超過70次任務,馬斯克計劃2023年環遊月球。 貝索斯也支持探索太空, ...全文
美國太空科技企業SpaceX旗下最新「獵鷹重型」(Falcon Heavy)火箭【圖】周四在佛羅里達完成首次商 ...全文
... ceX「獵鷹9號」(Falcon 9)火箭升空後,經歷近48日太空旅程調整軌道,周四進入離月球表面最近只有15 ...全文
The most powerful operational rocket in the world, SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy, launched its first commercial mission from Florida in a key demonstration for billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk’s space compa ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-12
... a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and entered Earth’s orbit about 34 minutes after launch. Its circuitous flight path was around 4 million miles (6.5 million km). A direct route from the Earth to the moon cov ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-12