
共 94 個結果
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Google, Facebook must tackle slowing revenue growth

The China coronavirus outbreak and its potential economic fallout have been grabbing most of the headlines in recent days, but the past week or so has also been a hectic news cycle for another importa ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-05


谷歌(Google)母公司Alphabet周一公布去年業績,首次披露了YouTube和Google Cloud ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年02月05日

善用Google AI 設計人工智能課

隨着科技進步,工業轉型,世界正進入「工業革命4.0」的年代,當中人工智能的應用將會愈來愈普及,社會對人工智能的 ...全文


Google inks healthcare data, cloud computing deal with Ascension

Google has sealed a cloud computing deal with US healthcare services provider Ascension, a partnership that could help the tech giant further develop artificial intelligence tools related to the segme ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-12

發現價值 創造價值

大部分人對價值投資的認識是,一罐可樂的價值是6元,現在標價3元,價錢低過價值,所以值得買。這當然是價值投資,只 ...全文



Smartphone、Smart Campus、Smart什麼什麼,在這個科技主宰的時代,每樣東西都要Smar ...全文


IBM closes US$34 billion deal to buy Red Hat

International Business Machines Corp. said it has closed its US$34 billion acquisition of software company Red Hat Inc., as it looks to ramp up its cloud computing business, Reuters reports. Underscor ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-10

美東大死機 港幸免於難

路透報道,美國谷歌(Google)周日(2日)下午出現伺服器異常,網民紛紛在社交網站反映,無法使用Google ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年06月04日

US Justice Department prepares Google antitrust probe: report

The US Justice Department is preparing an investigation of Alphabet Inc.’s Google to determine whether the tech giant broke antitrust law in operating its sprawling online businesses, Reuters reports, ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-03


繼在中國內地傳出裁員消息後,甲骨文(Oracle)據報最近亦在美國西雅圖辦公室解散300名員工。 外電報道,今 ...全文


盼超亞馬遜 谷歌雲服務擬擴大銷售團隊

Google雲端業務Google Cloud行政總裁庫里安(Thomas Kurian)表示,目前最重要的計劃 ...全文


亞航4.7億設風投基金 助初創進軍東南亞

為了在核心業務以外實現多元發展,馬來西亞最大廉航亞洲航空(AirAsia)正推出一項名為RedBeat Cap ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年03月06日

Google to acquire data migration firm Alooma in cloud push

Google announced on Tuesday that it will buy data migration company Alooma, an initiative that is seen as part of efforts to catch up with Amazon and Microsoft in the cloud service business. Headquart ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-20


Google在一個多星期前宣布,甲骨文前產品開發總裁庫里安(Thomas Kurian)明年1月將出任其雲端業 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2018年11月24日


Google(谷歌)損失一名重要女將,雲端業務Google Cloud的行政總裁格林(Diane Greene ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年11月19日

Alphabet更換Google Cloud主管

谷歌母公司Alphabet旗下Google Cloud主管Diane Greene在其個人博客網站宣布,將會離 ...全文


Alphabet先機已失 估值偏高

承上周Alphabet的分析,著名投資人Charlie Munger曾於2009年盛讚Google有巨大的投資 ...全文


雲端捕蟬 微軟黃雀在後

據市場調查機構最新公布顯示,今年第二季微軟雲端生意增長更勝其他主要對手,本來市場焦點在於亞馬遜在雲端市場龍頭地 ...全文


Google set to challenge Amazon in online shopping and cloud

Google's parent Alphabet Inc. announced better than expected second-quarter earnings, despite the record 4.34 billion euro (US$5 billion) antitrust fine slapped by the European Commission against the ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-25

US technology sector is still going strong

Investing in large US information technology companies appears to be one of the highest consensus trades among institutional investors. US technology companies seem to enjoy a perfect blend of structu ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-24

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