
共 73 個結果
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瑞士保密不再 寶盛優勢未改

瑞士私人銀行寶盛(Julius Baer)曾被諷刺只是表面光鮮,內裏其實隱藏着一些骯髒的秘密。 瑞士要求銀行嚴 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年07月26日


儘管去年投資環境滿具挑戰,亞洲區私人銀行去年的客戶資產管理規模(AUM)卻創新高,達1.55萬億元(美元.下同 ...全文


瑞士銀行 保密不再

瑞士的銀行一向表現低調,這幾天廣受社交媒體關注一定很不習慣。荷蘭金融犯罪檢察部門(FIOD)上周五突擊搜查了瑞 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年04月06日


外電引述消息指出,星展集團及瑞士銀行寶盛(Julius Baer)擬競購荷蘭銀行的亞洲私人銀行業務,有關業務管 ...全文


結交納吉布繼子 基金涉收「一馬」捐助

荷里活著名影星里安納度狄卡比奧(Leonardo DiCaprio)捲入馬來西亞政府投資基金「一馬發展」(1M ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年10月20日

Swiss watchmakers face another challenging year

Swiss watchmakers are braced for another difficult year as economic woes in major markets curb consumers' appetite for pricey timepieces, industry executives said. Sales in Hong Kong, the biggest mark ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-18

寶盛助逃稅案 和解費43億

瑞士第三大財富管理公司寶盛(Julius Baer)周三表示,就協助美國客戶逃稅的指控,已與美國司法部達成原則 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年12月31日

Julius Baer warns of debt risk to China growth

China’s economic expansion is expected to slow to 5.3 percent by 2020, with mounting debt poised to become a major drag on growth. Rising debt can only be offset by a dramatic increase in household in ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-29

Loss of secrecy helping image of Swiss banks abroad

Something unexpected is happening as Swiss banks lose much of the famous secrecy that provided them with an edge over most of their global peers, attracting huge amounts of cash seeking a tax refuge.  ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-09

Four more Swiss banks reach deals in US tax probe

Four more Swiss banks have entered into deals with the US Justice Department to avoid possible prosecution for helping Americans evade taxes. Societe Generale Private Banking (Lugano-Svizzera), MediBa ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-29

Asia's moneyed elites boost spending on kids' education

Asia's moneyed elites have increased their spending on university tuition, ladies' shoes and hospital stays while their expenses for business class air travel, jewelry and golf club membership have se ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-14

Credit Suisse case offers map for US action on other Swiss banks

Following the guilty plea by Credit Suisse Group and a huge US$2.6 billion penalty on the bank for aiding US tax cheats, American authorities are expected to speed up their cases against other Swiss b ...More

EJ Insight2014-05-26

Gaming, gas & baby care stand out in Q4, Julius Baer say

Macau’s gaming business is still the preferred investment sector in Asia for Julius Baer due to the growing mass market and continual influx of mainland tourists to the city, the Swiss private banking ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-07

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