新加坡航空及泰國航空周日宣布禁止乘客攜帶15吋MacBook Pro【圖】上機。蘋果公司(Apple)早前回收 ...全文
美國聯邦航空管理局(FAA)宣布,禁止乘客攜帶部分受回收影響的MacBook Pro【圖】上機。 FAA表示, ...全文
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the United States has banned certain models of Apple's MacBook Pro laptops on flights, after the company recalled select units which had batteries posing f ...More
EJ Insight2019-08-14
美國蘋果公司宣布,回收舊款15吋MacBook Pro手提電腦的電池,指電池具有過熱起火風險。 該舊款15吋M ...全文
羅森格倫:沒清晰訊號促使儲局改變利率 波士頓聯儲總裁羅森格倫稱,美國失業率處於紀錄低水平,聯儲局理應加息,但面 ...全文
國際緊張關係略為緩和,市場情緒謹慎樂觀,並等待聯儲局公布上月貨幣政策會議紀要,美股周二彈升,道指尾段一度上揚超 ...全文
蘋果公司發布首款8核MacBook Pro手提電腦,搭載第八代和第九代英特爾核心處理器,起售價分別為1799美 ...全文
Apple announced on Friday that it had found some issues affecting some of its iPhone X and 13-inch MacBook Pro products, and said the company would fix the devices free of charge. According to Apple, ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-12
Apple unveiled revamped versions of some gadgets at an event in New York City on Tuesday. The tech giant took the lid off a new line of iPad pros and also announced a refresh for its ten-year old Macb ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-01
The news that Apple plans to develop its own chips for its Mac computers, instead of relying on external parties, is not so surprising. The technology giant has done the same thing on its iPhone, iPa ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-04
Apple will host a media event on March 27 at Lane Tech College in Chicago with a teaser of an invitation: “Let’s take a field trip.” The event will focus on “new creative ideas for teachers and stude ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-20
用TouchBar觸控欄取代以往鍵盤上的功能鍵,是蘋果(Apple)旗下第四代MacBook Pro的一個重大 ...全文
蘋果公司全球開發商大會周一揭幕,多款軟硬件新品率先登場,其中最矚目的是首次亮相的智能擴音器HomePod,內置 ...全文
蘋果公司近年推出5.5吋屏幕的iPhone Plus智能手機,搶去7.9吋迷你平板電腦iPad Mini不少生 ...全文
數位世界的產品可以是全虛擬性產品、半虛擬性產品或實體產品。全虛擬性產品是數位形態(如音樂、圖書、圖片、影視、訊 ...全文