
共 63 個結果
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Shanghai prime office rents could jump 15% in 4 years

... re meter (sqm) per day, the property consultant said separately.  In the Puxi Premium Grade-A market, as pre-leasing activity in future high-quality projects intensified competition with existing proj ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-15

Guangzhou, Shenzhen commercial landlords scramble for tenants

... re meter (sqm). Also within the Zhujiang New Town, the owners of Guangzhou East Tower have begun wooing prospective tenants for the landmark office tower -- three years ahead of its projected completi ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-21

How Wanda avoids whiplash from breakneck expansion

... e meters (sqm). But company chairman Wang Jianlin {王健林}, also mainland China’s richest man according to Bloomberg, simply shrugs off these concerns when confronted by the media. As he puts it, “cash f ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-15

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