
共 73 個結果
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二合一流動平板 Galaxy TabPro S

二合一流動平板Samsung Galaxy TabPro S提供手提電腦及平板電腦兩種使用模式,結合優越的流動 ...全文


港產皮殼王 令年輕人變心

港人習慣手機不離手,為機身扮靚亦份外講究,換殼隨時密過時裝換季;我是王正怡(Jamey),港產手機保護套品牌M ...全文


配備超強相機 Galaxy S7 & S7 edge

擁有更強大相機功能及高效能軟件的Samsung Galaxy S7及Galaxy S7 edge智能手機,分別 ...全文


When your smartphone can recognize your ear

Fingerprint scanners are becoming popular as a way of unlocking a smartphone, but they are costly and restricted to high-end models. Now Yahoo has found a quicker, cheaper way to recognize a mobile ph ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-29

Huawei unveils new Ascend P8 smartphones

China's Huawei Technologies unveiled its latest flagship Ascend smartphones-- the P8 and P8 Max -- on Wednesday, stepping up competition with bigger players such as Samsung and Apple. The P8, which ru ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-16

Apple Hong Kong launches limited trade-in offer

Apple Inc. has launched a trade-in program in Hong Kong that allows owners of older iPhones and iPads to upgrade to the newest models. All three Apple stores in Hong Kong will buy back older models, w ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-02

BlackBerry in talks with HK govt on platform upgrade

BlackBerry Ltd. (BBRY.US) is in talks with the Hong Kong government to upgrade its mobile communications platform, according to a senior executive. "We are in the tendering process now. It may take a ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-28

Help your kid's school and travel to exotic places

Pity our schools. Most people think they're making truckloads of money by breaking the backs of their students' hard-working parents, but truth to tell, they need more income to sustain their operatio ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-20

Apple must face suit for blocking text messages

Apple Inc must face a US federal lawsuit over the blocking of text messages to iPhone users who switch to Android-based smartphones. US District Judge Lucy Koh ordered Apple to face plaintiff Adrienne ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-12

Samsung has just made Wi-Fi a whole lot faster

The internet just keeps getting faster -- and faster. And now this: South Korean electronics giant Samsung has created a new Wi-Fi standard that is five times faster than current technology. That mean ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-14

Look out for this cheap Chinese smartphone

A low-end Chinese-made smartphone has been pre-loaded with a spyware that steals personal information and sends it to an unknown server in China, am730 reported Friday. The Star N9500 smartphone, a Sa ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-19

Paypal to launch fingerprint authentication service

PayPal will launch a fingerprint authentication service in 26 countries and territories including Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia starting April, a senior executive said Wednesday. The service, ava ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-26

HKEJ Today: Highlights

Following is a summary of major news and comments in the Hong Kong Economic Journal, the parent publication of EJ Insight, on Wednesday, Jan. 8: TOP STORIES TVB to stop leasing transmitters to Wong's ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-08

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