
共 68 個結果
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路透引述兩名消息人士稱,美國娛樂巨擘Viacom控權股東Shari Redstone,與哥倫比亞廣播公司(CB ...全文


China's Wanda eyeing Viacom's Paramount, say sources

Chinese real estate and entertainment group Dalian Wanda is exploring a minority stake in Paramount Pictures. Reuters is reporting that the Chinese conglomerate has held talks with Viacom Inc. about b ...More

EJ Insight2016-07-14

阿里傳洽購派拉蒙 李連杰拒回應

阿里巴巴主席馬雲日前傳出與派拉蒙電影(Paramount Pictures)母公司Viacom主席女兒Shar ...全文


馬雲進軍荷里活 或購派拉蒙

內地富豪爭相進軍荷里活, 例如阿里巴巴旗下的阿里影業(01060),繼夥拍荷里活著名片商派拉蒙(Paramou ...全文


US billionaire, 93, hangs tough in Viacom battle

Investors in Viacom, the entertainment and media flagship of ailing US billionaire Sumner Redstone are hoping that the legal battle over control of the US$40 billion empire will bring change to the co ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-24

Judge dismisses mental competency case vs Sumner Redstone

A Los Angeles judge has dismissed a lawsuit that challenged the mental competency of media mogul Sumner Redstone, marking a victory for the 92-year-old billionaire who had been locked in a battle with ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-10


作為股價跌幅最慘重的美國大型媒體集團,Viacom果然進取,試圖在短時間內換上年輕形象。該公司92歲大股東雷德 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年02月12日


曾自稱「不死」的美國傳媒大亨雷德斯通(Sumner Redstone)周三突然辭任電視台哥倫比亞廣播公司(CB ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年02月05日

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