
共 103 個結果
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Facebook's Libra announces board as support shrinks further

... h startup Stripe and payments company Mercado Pago also pulled the plug. The exodus followed warnings from politicians and regulators, from the United States to Europe, that Libra risked upsetting glo ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-15

Facebook's Libra abandoned by major financial companies

... Bay Inc., Stripe Inc. and Latin American payments company Mercado Pago. They join PayPal Holdings Inc. which exited the group a week ago, as global regulators continue to air concerns about the projec ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-14

fb擬發libra再受挫 四金企退出監管機構

Facebook(fb)推出加密貨幣libra的計劃再度面對挫折。網購平台eBay、網上支付平台Stripe, ...全文


Stripe拓貸款服務 收買人心

網上支付平台Stripe貴為身價最高的美國金融科技初創企業,有意進軍小企業貸款市場,被市場視為經濟衰退風險增加 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年10月11日

金融機構或縮沙 Libra發行添變
不滿fb過分唱好 憂損監管關係

... d)、Paypal和Stripe都重新考慮是否繼續參與Libra。報道指出,4家公司都對fb過分唱好Libra ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年10月03日

Visa, Mastercard reconsider backing Facebook's Libra: WSJ

...  Inc. and Stripe Inc. are also undecided about formally signing onto Libra. Reuters reported last week that Facebook could push back the launch of Libra to tackle regulatory concerns that have been ra ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-02

Airbnb藉上市外傳 向員工派安心丸

... 億美元的網上支付平台Stripe。 有限披露財務資訊 然而,Airbnb向外界披露的財務資訊有限,對上一季收入 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年09月23日


提供網上支付技術的美國金融科技初創公司Stripe【圖】經過新一輪私人集資後,公司估值攀上350億美元(273 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年09月21日

Fintech startup Stripe valued at US$35 bln in latest funding

US payments startup Stripe said on Thursday that it is raising US$250 million in a new funding round, valuing the firm at US$35 billion. The deal marks a dramatic 56 percent surge in the company's val ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-20

【國際早班車】中國副部級官員晤美方代表 下周考察農業

... App。■ 金融科企Stripe據報完成新一輪私人融資,估值升至350億美元。■ 美滙指數尾段挫0.22%,報 ...全文


Stripe完成集資19.5億 估值升至2730億

外電報道,金融科技企業Stripe完成最新一輪私人融資,估值升至350億美元(2730億港元),較1月完成融資 ...全文


脫歐無礙吸金 首7月拋離德法

... 業務,獲美國支付公司Stripe支持;另一間倫敦初創GoCardless,投資者不乏美國科企,例如Google ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年08月27日

How Adyen quietly helps firms handle payments

... s such as Stripe are also muscling in on the payments market. Asked about competition between Adyen and the emerging rival Stripe, which targets the startup and app developer community, Hayashi pointe ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-29


... 地位,另一邊廂亦面對Stripe等新興金融科技初創的競爭。與Stripe主攻初創公司及程式開發者社群相異,Ha ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年07月29日

Libra野心大 朱克伯格望比肩美元

... er、Paypal及Stripe;科技巨頭Spotify、eBay、Booking Holdings、Uber ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點方展博2019年07月27日

Facebook's Libra plan holds promise: Stripe's Gaybrick

For years, the growth in e-commerce has outpaced the underlying payments technology. With an aim to simplify payments, US-based startup Stripe has emerged as a key player in the financial technology r ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-24

How Stripe is building its payments infrastructure business

Stripe, a payments infrastructure firm, has been a rising star in the increasingly competitive world of online payments. Founded in 2010, the San Francisco-headquartered startup has said that it aims ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-24

Bitmark: Secure your property rights over digital data

... opular as Stripe and PayPal cannot work in Taiwan due to the regulatory environment,” he said. For blockchain technology to prosper in Taiwan, Moss-Pultz said the island needs “cutting-edge financial ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-18


... sa、PayPal和Stripe,用戶也可以到當地或網上貨幣兌換處,把美元兌換成Libra,再存入Calibr ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年06月19日


... HANTEBOOT STRIPE橡膠靴。 這對特別版橡膠靴的設計源於1972年,當時設計師為航海家Marc P ...全文


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