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道指收市漲163點 中概股飆2.87%

... .59% 折扣零售商Target業績理想,股價急飆17.9%,創2019年以來最大升幅,並帶動其他零售股造好。 ...全文


Target季績勝預期 股價一度升18.5%

美國大型折扣零售商Target公布,截至10月28日止第三季,淨利潤報9.71億元(美元‧下同),按年升36% ...全文


零售偏好 道指收市續漲逾百

... 來首次。 折扣零售商Target業績理想,股價急飆17.9%,創2019年以來最大升幅,並帶動其他零售股造好。 ...全文



美國大型折扣零售商Target截至10月28日止第三季盈利9.71億美元,按年大增36%,經調整後每股賺2.1 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年11月16日

Why China's FDI flow turns negative

... ctors. It targets U.S. private equity and venture capit ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年11月16日

A victory lap for the transitory inflation team

... nkers’ 2% target, it is lower than most expected (3.7% in the US, 2.9% in the eurozone, 3% in Germany, and 3.5% in Spain). Moreover, one must remember that the 2% target was pulled out of thin air. Th ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-15

Bonds are back

... , the top target for increased gatekeeper allocation over the next 12 months is global equity, at 51%. Selectors are also seemingly more optimistic about previously unloved emerging markets (ex-China) ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-14

The economic consequences of the Gaza war

... they will target not only nuclear facilities but also military and dual-use infrastructure, as well as regime leaders. Rather than supporting the regime, Iranians – who have been protesting morality-p ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-13


... 周四的沃爾瑪及周三的Target,也是投資者注視消費市道表現的重要指標。美國一年最重要的黃金零售檔期即將開始, ...全文



... 最低增速。折扣連鎖店Target稱,由於物價高昂及按揭開支大增,消費者縮減包括食品在內所有家庭開支。 蘋果季度 ...全文



美國大型折扣連鎖店Target行政總裁康奈爾(Brian Cornell)表示,由於物價高昂及按揭開支大升,消 ...全文



... 測試 正如Drug Target Review中的一篇文章所述,人工智能相關科技具有節約臨床前、臨床1期和2期 ...全文

今日信報理財投資市場觀點蕭志舜 羅信基2023年10月30日

China’s great leap backward

... after the target date, the government has carried out only a few of these measures. Notably, the one-child policy was finally abandoned in 2016 (although a three-child limit remains in place). While s ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-27

Can Japan reshape its research funding?

... ether the target can be achieved in the long run depends on the portfolio. When I chaired the committee that laid the groundwork for the UFJ in 2021, we recommended a benchmark of 65% global equities ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-26

The global hunger crisis must not be normalized

... cies that target historical inequities and to ensure that those suffering from hunger are included in decision-making at all levels. The UK city of Brighton and Hove offers a good example of how commu ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-16


...  goals on target),這是在考慮射門的角度和射門是否命中龍門後,再加上歷年球賽大數據計算出不同射 ...全文


盜竊猖獗 美Target關9店減損失

面對美國店舖盜竊愈來愈猖獗,美國大型折扣連鎖店之一Target周二宣布關閉4個州共9家門店,以防止出現更多損失 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年09月28日

店舖盜竊嚴重 美零售商Target關9分店

美國大型零售商Target因應店舖盜竊問題嚴重,威脅僱員及顧客生命安全,因此決定關閉9間分店。 Target在 ...全文


China to become world’s top auto exporter this year

... ressively targeting the global markets. Europe has become a primary target for China's export push. It presents a promising growth opportunity for affordably-priced Chinese EVs,” he said. Geely is a g ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-25

Fed to keep rates elevated for longer

The FOMC kept the Fed funds target range at 5.25-5.50%, as widely accepted, maintained the tightening bias in its statement, and left the median dot for 2023 unchanged at 5.6% in its revised Summary o ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-25

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