
共 780 個結果
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Slow burn Minsky moments and what to do about them

We seem to live in an era of rolling financial crisis, which I suspect is the result of a massive build-up of private sector debt. Sometimes these build-ups are accompanied by very high rates of credi ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-04

【國際早班車】微軟季績優於預期 雲服務收入升15%勝估計

... 預期。■ 聯合包裹(UPS)與美國卡車司機工會Teamsters達成勞資新協議,為期至2028年。■ TikT ...全文



速遞集團聯合包裹(UPS)與美國工會的勞資談判取得進展,卡車司機工會同意與UPS達成勞資新協議。 UPS周二股 ...全文



全球最大速遞集團聯合包裹(UPS)與美國工會的勞資談判陷入僵局,雙方互相指摘對方要為談判膠着承擔責任。消息曝光 ...全文


Success must fundamentally be real

... dox start-ups is less of their thing. And on the other end of the spectrum, there are those born in the Baby Boom, themselves the product of a jubilant celebration of a fleeting, momentary respite fro ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-23

【國際早班車】FRB據報擬售千億美元資產自救 股價瀉

... 1%。■ 聯合包裹(UPS)首季盈利錄19億美元,每股經調整賺2.2元,預期盈利2.21元,收入按年跌6%。■ ...全文


道指收市挫344點 納指跌1.98%

... %跌幅。 聯合包裹(UPS)業績指引令市場失望,股價勁插9.98%,為2015年以來最傷。麥當勞業績勝預期,惟 ...全文


UPS首季業績遜預期 股價下滑逾9%

速遞集團聯合包裹(UPS)公布,首季錄得利潤19億元(美元‧下同);每股經調整盈利為2.2元,預期為2.21元 ...全文



... 。 另外,聯合包裹(UPS)首季每股盈利2.2美元,收入229億美元,均符合預期。包裹需求持續從疫情高位下滑, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年04月26日

美銀行危機復熾 道指收市挫逾300點

... %跌幅。 聯合包裹(UPS)業績指引令市場失望,股價勁插9.98%,為2015年以來最傷。麥當勞業績勝預期,惟 ...全文


Buffett ups Japan bet

Who doesn’t like to travel to Japan? What a surprise to see that 92-year-old Warren Buffett was among the visitors in the cherry blossoming season this year along with hundreds of thousands of Hong Ko ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-12


UPS一分研究報告顯示,香港亦將繼續成為亞洲區內貿易不可或缺的一環,並在高科技業的帶動下,本港與另外11個亞洲 ...全文


Another predictable bank failure

The run on Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) – on which nearly half of all venture-backed tech start-ups in the United States depend – is in part a rerun of a familiar story, but it’s more than that. Once aga ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-15

Popping China’s balloon

... nce cover-ups are hardly unique to China. Last month’s incident had echoes of 1960, when US President Dwight Eisenhower and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev were scheduled to meet to establish Cold Wa ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-07

What is love?

... ssitudes, ups and downs, and vacillations of life – is an inherent feature of its enduring strength. Few other relationships (e.g. employer-employee, sibling) are as unpredictably inexplicable as love ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-02

What Europe’s economy needs now

... ind start-ups that entrepreneurs launch in their garages. But, in fact, we are seeing more and more massive ventures emerging at the cutting edge of innovation. Consider battery producer Northvolt, wi ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-01

Rebuilding trust in science

... and cover-ups where they should see the scientific method at work. In the face of new situations, it is standard practice for scientists to test their theories continuously and update their advice to ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-14


... 與主要對手聯合包裹(UPS)相若。 路透引述聯邦快遞地面運輸服務外判商Satish Jindel稱,被裁減的不 ...全文


【國際早班車】美印兩國加強科技合作 應對中國挑戰

... 9%。■ 聯合包裹(UPS)第四季經調整後利潤超預期,淨銷售額降2.7%遜預期;公司批准規模涉50億美元的股票 ...全文


UPS季度盈利勝預期 斥50億美元回購股票

美國聯合包裹(UPS)去年第四季經調整後利潤超出預期,因在電子商務環境疲軟的情況下,該公司優先運送高利潤的包裹 ...全文


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