美國矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank,SVB)爆煲觸發全球銀行業信心危機,股份遭大舉洗倉,全球 ...全文
市場擔心美國矽谷銀行倒閉的影響蔓延,「黑期」今早最新跌約210點在19450點附近,金融股 隔晚美股收市個別發 ...全文
Is today’s energy crisis as serious as similar previous ones – particularly the 1970s oil shocks? That question is being asked around the world, with consumers hit by high prices, businesses worried a ...More
EJ Insight2022-07-14
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is radically redrawing the global economic, political, and security landscape. Politically, it is pushing Russia away from Europe. It has redoubled NATO members’ commitmen ...More
EJ Insight2022-03-14
Russia has banned or limited imports of food and agricultural products from nations that have imposed sanctions on Moscow in response to the crisis in Ukraine, stepping up retaliatory moves against th ...More
EJ Insight2014-08-07