... 一些本地青年,情願去中關村創業,都不願留在香港。 洪為民直言,目前市場上年輕創業者「死亡率」高的現象,在全世界 ...全文
... 前又在哪裏?是在北京中關村的咖啡室,抑或深圳南山的孵化器,還是上海浦東的甲廈? 然而,潮流善變只是影響科網行業 ...全文
At first glance it was just an exotic, sleek sedan, but many Chinese who stopped by at a recent Tesla road show in Zhongguancun {中關村} -- known as Beijing's silicon valley -- couldn't help gasp in amaz ...More
EJ Insight2014-02-07
... gguancun {中關村}, a well-known technology hub in Beijing that is often referred to China's Silicon Valley. The main theme of the study, not surprisingly, was all about science and technology innovation ...More
EJ Insight2013-10-03