
共 1385 個結果
頁數:1...37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ...70

China kicks off debt-to-equity swap program

... en posted sharp gains. Debt-for-equity swaps were first initiated in China in 1999, when the government started transferring the bad debts of state-owned enterprises to the four major AMCs created for ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-17

Secrets of Hong Kong's most beautiful bay

... shadow of Sharp Peak, the most treacherous in Hong Kong. Off the coast of Ham Tin Wan are two small islands -- Tsim Chau and Tai Chau, where I got stranded once in the past. I was sailing a catamaran ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-14

Sterling to weaken further on Brexit concerns

...  unless a sharp spike in yen happens and hurts its economy, according to a Reuters poll. The US dollar surged to 104 against Japanese yen on Tuesday. Technically, the US dollar is likely to rally furt ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-12

End of an era: Cathay’s beloved 747 bids farewell to HK

... ign for a sharp right turn to line up with the runway for the final approach. But Cathay’s last CX8747 flight on Saturday will not be the end of the airline's love affair with 747.  As the world’s lar ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-07

Protecting the interests of the rich and powerful

The Court of Final Appeal has delivered a sharp reminder of the extent to which the Basic Law protects the interests of the rich and powerful. The judgment arises from a case brought by Hysan Developm ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-30

Neck pain strikes even the young

... xperience sharp pain and numbness in the affected arm and fingers. If the patients have acute inflammation in the neck, they could confront neck pain in the middle of the night, greatly affecting thei ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-30

Malaysia's MH17 downed by Russian-made missile, say prosecutors

...  led to a sharp rise in tensions between Russia and the West. Among the key findings of the Joint Investigation Team were: the plane was hit by a Russian-made Buk-9M38 missile; the missile was fired f ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-29

Wells Fargo CEO forfeits millions over sales tactics scandal

... nd mark a sharp change from a few years ago when despite scandals at large banks, no CEO had to give back a bonus. Wells Fargo, the United States' third-largest bank by assets, is under pressure to sh ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-28

Saudi Arabia’s shock therapy

... rienced a sharp decline in GDP growth, as well as lower liquidity and credit growth. Fiscal and current-account surpluses were transformed into deficits. This year, the two deficits are expected to re ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-28

IMF urges action on trade slowdown, low inflation

... e for the sharp slowdown in trade growth over the past four years. the Guardian newspaper reports. But it said a rise in protectionist measures since the financial crisis has “not been innocuous”, add ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-28

Photo exhibition to highlight housing woes of underprivileged

... as been a sharp increase in the past decade of the number people waiting for public housing in the city. The number has almost tripled to 300,000 now, and the average waiting time is 4.1 years. -- Co ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-26


由台灣鴻海集團接管,過氣日本液晶屏幕巨人Sharp本周公布一連串向外擴張舉動,其中包括把每年液晶電視銷售量大幅 ...全文


印度市場初見成果 富智康料年收78億

... 有投資日本公司聲寶(Sharp),富智康亦會收到來自聲寶的手機訂單。   ...全文


Is Wang Chau the last straw to shatter CY’s re-election dream?

... race, the sharp rebound of the residential property market probably would. Leung has been trumpeting his accomplishments in increasing land supply and launching tightening measures aimed at diminishin ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-19

Samsung Electronics sells shares in four companies

...  stake in Sharp Corp and its 4.5 percent stake in Rambus Inc. A Samsung spokeswoman told Reuters the total proceeds from the sales exceeded 1 trillion won (US$888.85 million) but declined to give furt ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-19

Note 7炸傷人 美漢控告三星

... 已沽出包括日本聲寶(Sharp)及荷蘭半導體商ASML在內4家科企的持股,錄得超過1萬億韓圜(約69億港元)收 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年09月19日

Text neck and slipped disc: How to avoid them

... oken by a sharp pain and tingling sensation in her left forearm and fingers. It turns out she had herniated disc between the sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae, which pinched the seventh nerve root ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-15

Fruit price hikes feared after fire hits Yau Ma Tei market

... lead to a sharp increase in fruit prices before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. The fire started at around 4 p.m. in one of the stalls, and quickly spread to neighbori ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-05


聲寶(Sharp Corporation)宣布,與樂聲電器有限公司(樂聲)已達成共識,將於今年9月25日終止兩 ...全文


What China can learn from Fu Yuanhui about soft power

... lamed for sharp rises in housing prices in cities like Vancouver. China’s overseas image has not been helped by its officials’ apparent defensiveness and tendency to use stiff language and slogans. Th ...More

EJ Insight2016-08-24

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