
共 878 個結果
頁數:1...36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

Taiwan tourism sector fears drop in mainland visitors

Taiwan’s official numbers haven't shown a notable drop in visa applications from mainlanders, but the tourism industry is worrying about a decline following Tsai Ing-wen’s landside victory in January’ ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-23

Gambia ties end China's diplomatic truce with Taiwan

China resumed ties with former Taiwan ally Gambia on Thursday, ending an unofficial diplomatic truce between China and Taiwan, Reuters reports. The small West African state was one of a few African co ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-18

Taiwan stock market to rise as new government takes over

... ively leading the interbank offered rate to lower levels, reflecting its intention to cut the interest rate. Since September, the central bank has cut the interest rate twice, to the current level of ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-16

Why Leung must be feeling isolated from Beijing

Top Chinese leaders have been weighing in on the recent Mong Kok clashes, using the ongoing sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC) to speak their minds. They have expressed alarm over the vi ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-11

China to 'resolutely contain' any Taiwan independence moves: Xi

Chinese President Xi Jinping warned Taiwan against any independence drive, saying Beijing will never allow the tragedy of the island being "split" off from the rest of the country to happen again. Mee ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-07

China easing move shows priority remains preserving growth

China’s latest easing move signals that shoring up growth is the government’s top priority even if it further weakens its currency or adds to leverage that threatens the longer-term health of the worl ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-01

Beijing urges Taipei to ratify controversial services trade pact

China's Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng urged Taiwan to ratify a controversial trade pact that has languished in the island's parliament after protests over trade dealings with Beijing, Reuters reports. ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-24

英核心通脹放緩 鎊滙跌

... 料脫歐公投前不加息 ING經濟師奈特利(James Knightley)指出,通脹壓力不足以令英倫銀行擔憂,而 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年02月17日

Taiwan firms rejig strategy amid China headwinds

An economic slowdown and intensifying competition in China is prompting more Taiwan firms to pull out or scale back operations in the mainland and step up focus on the business back home. The homecomi ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-10


... 位公園」(Park﹝ing﹞Day)的實驗進一步延伸開去,由三藩市到歐洲到其他北美城市,一同舉辦「車位公園日」 ...全文


Taiwan and Hong Kong: A tale of two legislatures

Hong Kong people love to hear news about Taiwan, as shown in their keen interest in the recent elections. Many of them traveled to the island to witness the historic event, some wanting to see if the ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-01

Taiwan nationalist Tsai will face Chinese nationalist Xi

During the campaign leading up to Taiwan’s Jan. 16 elections, Tsai Ing-wen, leader of the Democratic Progressive Party, took part in singing the national anthem at public events, but her lips visibly ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-25

Time for mainlanders to get the big chip off their shoulders

The squabbles and bickering over the question of Chinese national identity keep coming back like a bad penny. Recently we saw Taiwanese pop singer and actor Show Luo (羅志祥) come under fire at home and ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-25

Two commentators suspect Beijing hand in Facebook suspension

Two political commentators alleged that social networking giant Facebook suspended their accounts last week because of pressure from Beijing, Apple Daily reported. Writer Yip Yat-chee (葉一知) said he co ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-25

Here's an intriguing subplot in Tsai's unfolding presidency

No sooner had the dust settled in Taiwan's presidential election than China began making noises about cross-strait relations. So we had Beijing reminding Taipei about the "One China" policy as Tsai In ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-22

Why we like to live in Taiwan and Macau but not China

... st a spitting distance from the territory, which explains why they are popular destinations among Hong Kong people. My early morning flight to Taiwan last Thursday took more than an hour, but time fle ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-22

Tsai's ambiguity brings equilibrium in cross-strait relations

Strategic fuzziness can sometimes better serve a purpose. It means rather than showing your hand, you should not let the other party know your intent or next move. Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) could not be more ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-22

主權基金等投資 傳統銀行受威脅

... 金馬來西亞國庫控股、ING(荷蘭國際集團)、香港南豐集團及廣東省政府授權經營的國企粵科金融等投資者。今次亦是首 ...全文


How not to wage anti-Taiwan social media war

A motley group of mainland netizens waged a social media war against their Taiwanese counterparts to denounce the poll victory of Taiwan's President-elect Tsai Ing-wen, but got lost in "enemy territor ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-21

Taiwan election: The implications for Hong Kong

The landslide victory of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Tsai Ing-wen in the Taiwan presidential election had been a foregone conclusion, given her unprecedented popularity throughout the ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-21

頁數:1...36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

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