電動車生產商Tesla公布最新一季業績,收入增長較市場預期高,虧損情況改善不少,受消息影響,當日股價應聲而上。 ...全文
電動車生產商Tesla為應付Model 3生產而首度發行不可換股債券,結果市場反應熱烈,發債額由15億美元(約 ...全文
美國電動車生產商Tesla昨天表示,將透過發債集資15億美元(約117億港元),資金將用來盡快提高最新型號Mo ...全文
Tesla Inc. lowered the base price of its Model X SUV to US$79,500 and said improving margins were behind the move, which came as the automaker is ramping up production of its new lower-priced Model 3, ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-07
美國電動汽車製造商Tesla上周公布季度業績,被問到有多少人訂購了最新的Model 3轎車時,創辦人兼行政總裁 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年08月07日
美國電動車生產商Tesla上季破紀錄「狂燒錢」,在收入大增下仍繼續錄得虧損,但由於「燒錢」及虧損金額均低於市場 ...全文
Tesla Inc. reported quarterly revenue that doubled and a loss that was the electric car maker's largest ever, but its shares rose after revealing more than 1,800 daily reservations for the Model 3 and ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-03
美國電動車公司Tesla(特斯拉)首款「平民版」電動車Model 3上周五晚正式面世,Tesla當晚舉行派對慶 ...全文
7月16日,周日。多得政府自4月1日起取消電動車稅務寬減,潮人至愛Tesla 4月在港錄得新車「零登記」。運輸 ...全文
Tesla Inc. rolled out the first Model 3 unit from the assembly line, and it's for chief executive Elon Musk, who tweeted pictures of the US$35,000 sedan. Tesla board member Ira Ehrenpreis was the firs ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-11
電動車是未來汽車業的發展重點,吉利控股集團旗下的瑞典富豪汽車(Volvo)昨天表示,由2019年起推出的所有新 ...全文
Tesla Inc. said it delivered about 47,100 electric sedans and SUVs in the first half of 2017, at the lower end of its own forecasts, shortly after chief executive Elon Musk announced that production o ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-04
多次未能如期交付電動車的Tesla(特斯拉),終於能兌現承諾,並提前達成目標。行政總裁馬斯克(Elon Mus ...全文
Tesla Inc. took a step closer toward establishing an electric vehicle manufacturing plant in China with its announcement that it is in exploratory talks with the Shanghai municipal government, Reuters ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-23
在低迷的成交下,A股的反彈動力仍偏弱,資金再由藍籌股流向中小型股份,滬深指數昨天一跌一升,分別跌0.14%及升 ...全文
美國電動車製造商Tesla周三市後公布第一季度業績,雖然收入較去年同期增加1.35倍,達27億美元,但受收購S ...全文