
共 860 個結果
頁數:1...35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

No plan to expand pilot property tax, paper says

The central government has no immediate plan to expand the property tax pilot scheme to more cities, the Beijing Times reported Sunday, citing an official from the State Administration of Taxation’s p ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-25

China preparing to remove deposit rate control, paper says

... ed in the pilot CD scheme later. -- Contact HKEJ at [email protected] MY/AC/CG     ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-21

Local banks can underwrite non-financial firms’ debt, paper says

... e under a pilot program. These include Bank of Tianjin, Bank of Jiangsu, Huishang Bank, Bank of Ningbo and Bank of Hangzhou, the report said. They can undertake debt underwriting in designated regions ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-20

POLICY WATCH: Internet-of-things to fuel new opportunities

... Under the pilot scheme announced by NDRC, the selected pilot projects need to play a role to support the real economic growth, incubate new enterprises, push for energy saving and develop wide-range o ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-20

China may allow foreign banks in CLO pilot scheme, paper says

China’s banking regulators are considering allowing locally incorporated foreign banks to participate in a pilot program for collateralized loan obligations, a form of asset securitization, Shanghai S ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-19


... xpand the pilot scheme next year.   --Contact HKEJ at [email protected] JP/AC/RC First posted: 08.35   ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-18

Shanghai FTZ eyes offshore insurance market, paper says

A pilot offshore insurance market is expected to open in the Shanghai free trade zone (FTZ), Shanghai Securities News reported Monday, citing Pei Guang, chief of the municipal insurance regulator. Als ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-18

China expected to step up taxation reform, paper says

... xpand the pilot scheme next year. In addition, the report said that the current volume-based levy of coal resource tax is expected to be changed into a tax based on sales price. -- Contact HKEJ at dig ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-18

POLICY WATCH: Market economy the catchword in Xi's reform path

... hile, the pilot free trade zone launched in Shanghai in September is expected to become a test bed for convertibility of the Chinese currency and the deregulation of interest rates. -- Contact the rep ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-14

China to expand over-the-counter market, paper says

... te in the pilot program. The new third board allows investors to trade equities in non-public firms, mostly high-tech startups, making it an important platform for direct financing in addition to the ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-13

Taiwan leasing firms eye branches in Shanghai FTZ, paper says

... ng in the pilot area, including registered capital and other requirements, have yet to be finalized, according to the newspaper. Taiwan’s leasing firms hope to acquire a license to launch a combinatio ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-13

Virtual mobile operator scheme may face delay, Sina says

... ch of the pilot scheme, which allows companies to lease the networks of the nation's three mobile telecommunication giants and provide telecom services to customers. China Unicom had earlier insisted ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-12

Guangdong trials small loans with overseas guarantee, paper says

Guangdong province has started a pilot scheme that allows domestic firms to secure small loans or credit lines from local financial institutions by providing guarantees from overseas entities, People' ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-11

HKEJ Today: Highlights

... es if the pilot run proves successful. POLITICS Leung urged to learn a lesson from free TV license fiasco A top adviser to the Hong Kong government has urged Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying to draw a ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-11

WEEKENDER: Xi looks left and right to make history

...  Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone is a major step towards greater liberalization of China’s financial and monetary policy. The zone is widely expected to be a test site for deregulation of interest and ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-08

Govt to boost financial leasing industry, paper says

... xes and a pilot export rebate program in Tianjin, the report said. -- Contact HKEJ at [email protected] KZ/AC/RA   ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-07

First online insurer opens in Shanghai, Xinhua says

... nnovation pilot zone on the Bund, the report said.   -- Contact HKEJ at [email protected] EL/AC/RA ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-07

CPC PLENUM: If not now then when for RMB convertibility?

... uted as a pilot site to test the "innovative management model of the central government's investment and trade policies". Cao said the zone can expect to be the regional headquarters of many multinati ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-07

Can Tingyi convince Chinese mothers?

... y food. A pilot project to sell baby formula through vending machines located in pharmacies, for example, is a new important channel over which Tingyi has little influence. One more thing, instant noo ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-06


...  existing pilot areas have shown interest in joining the scheme.  Shanghai land supply set to rebound this month Shanghai is set to release 20 land parcels covering 818,000 square meters for auction i ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-05

頁數:1...35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

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