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... ,曾經用「from one to many」來形容三井搵商機的獨特方式。 飯島舉例說,當三井能源部門收購得州一 ...全文



... ning Part One)有口皆碑,那場飛車跳崖戲,早在半年前已釋出拍攝Making of,不過在IMAX大 ...全文



... ’Train和My One and Only Love……喝着兒子買給我的雞尾酒Highball,一邊瀏覽窗外 ...全文



... 系統,是國內首家量產ONE-BOX集成式線控制動系統的企業,該公司研製的第二代線控制動系統(WCBS2.0), ...全文


In Britain, three million use food banks

... ours and money and food from many sources, with a small ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年07月13日

Anthropic releases new AI model

Anthropic, a startup that counts Google as one of its investors, released yesterday its second AI model, Claude 2. The successor to Anthropic’s first commercial model, Claude 2 is available in beta in ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-12

China’s smart city challenge

... y practitioners "Smartcity.Team" sorted out more than 3,000 pieces of information on the winning tenders of provincial, municipal and district-level governments and state-owned enterprises in the firs ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-11

HENLEY PARK累收8384票 超額101倍

... 的正面氣氛,同系粉嶺One Innovale今日錄得3宗招標地下連花園特式單位成交,分別為CABANNA的E座 ...全文


Why are Russian oil products still being sold in America?

The United States has done a great deal to help Ukraine fend off Russia’s full-scale invasion and terrorist tactics since February 2022, including through generous financial and military assistance. I ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-10

拜登抵英國倫敦 展開歐洲之行

... 升機(Marine One)到達倫敦市中心下榻。 拜登在英國的行程在周一正式展開,包括與英國首相辛偉誠在唐寧街 ...全文



... a Company One Cup at a Time的《上善若水》讀者們都知道,Starbucks通過「第三 ...全文



... 8月27日,The ONE),與本地插畫師合作推出展覽,AR與光影的互動展區,讓人從不同角度走進小王子的世界, ...全文


Winning the fight for women’s land rights

... ar beyond one country. Despite comprising nearly half of the world’s agricultural workforce and producing up to 80% of food in developing economies, women own less than one-fifth of land worldwide. Mo ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-07


... 司(易達資本)合辦「One Gateway Shared Vision - Hong Kong Special ...全文


China U.S. relations: Is it possible to stop the slide?

... t to know one another.” She said the two countries “need to discuss our disagreements with one another so that we don’t have misunderstandings, don’t misunderstand one another’s intentions.” If her tr ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-06

Finding value after the Great Reset

... only mean one thing: a reset of real estate pricing to higher yields – and the adjustment process is now well underway. The Asia Pacific region is not exempt from this global pricing reset but the div ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-06

推理教程記(五) 牽絆

...  at least one hundred dollars more a year than the inco ...全文


All-in-AI does not guarantee an A

He gets hold of the deer but not its horn, as the Chinese would say. Think of Masayoshi Son, one of the world’s most prolific technology investor who built up a substantial trunk in Alibaba Group when ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-05

HK should follow Singapore to export smart city experience

... stainable ones, building smart cities has become a common objective globally. It is timely for the Hong Kong government to leverage on this global trend and use our years of experience to expand expor ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-05

兒童免疫、過敏及傳染病科專科醫生何學工 細說疫情經歷親情與運動轉變

... 「通常打夜波,與兒子one-on-one,其實是陪伴兒子,他不願跟我打網球,我便和他打籃球。」 何學工當年在瑪 ...全文


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