
共 1620 個結果
頁數:1...40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ...81

Man who conquered Everest urges Hongkongers to pursue dreams

... Himalayan peak, 8,848 meters above sea level, on Sunday morning with Ada Tsang Yin-hung, 40, who had to quit her job as a school teacher to make her dream come true. Sharing the unforgettable experien ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-26


... 脫歐暫時沒戲唱,反而peak populism愈來愈多人講,連平日唔多理財經的同事也問老畢買歐羅好唔好,難怪這 ...全文


Tiny Tai Mo Shan kiosk to get license after 22 years in business

A humble kiosk in Tai Mo Shan, the highest peak in Hong Kong, will finally get a license from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) after operating for 22 years, the Hong Kong Economic ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-24

HKEAA faces financial trouble as HKDSE takers continue to fall

... ed with a peak of more than 80,000 previously. The number has fallen by about 5,000 to 6,000 students annually in recent years and is expected to continue to drop. As a result, Chen said the authority ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-23


... 往往最安全,潮流興講peak呢樣peak嗰樣,恐慌和自滿(complacence)都有peak位,幾時做lon ...全文


Dark night for AAC as Gotham casts doubts on its profitability

... is year's peak of HK$116.5, hitting HK$82.6 before its trading was halted last Thursday. Named after the city where the comic superhero Batman fights crime, Gotham City Research was founded by New Yor ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-22

School teacher becomes first HK woman to conquer Everest

A school teacher in her thirties has become the first Hong Kong woman to conquer Mount Everest. Ada Tsang reached the Himalayan peak after two failed attempts in 2014 and 2015,  the Hong Kong Economic ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-22

Enjoying kuzumochi at Mount Yoshino

... after the peak bloom of the blossom. I was so thrilled to see the place swarming with fewer tourists. For those wanting a rural experience, let me warn that Mount Yoshino gets big crowds again for aut ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-19

What European equities cannot offer

... below the peak level seen in early 2015, lagging far behind the market. That tells you something about the potential threat stock prices are pricing in. European banks are also weaker than their US co ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-16

民粹太濫不滿是真 圓滙回落日經有勢

5月10日,周三。法國大選熱勝冷倒,有人認為是「民粹見頂」(peak populism)最具說服力的徵兆。然而 ...全文


Capitalism to communism on rental platform

... ad on the Peak where a three-story house was sub-divided into four 1,200-1,500 sq.ft apartments at a monthly rental of HK$60,000, according to a report by Ming Pao last month. Not bad for the young re ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-08

HK equities: Recovering but far from full strength

...  than the peak seen two years ago but the Shanghai Composite Index remains 30 percent lower over the same period. While Hong Kong equities have done much better, the recovery is less impressive when w ...More

EJ Insight2017-05-02

Kai Tak Cruise Terminal not performing up to par: audit report

... uring the peak seasons from 2014 to 2016, according to the Hong Kong Economic Journal. On cruises using Hong Kong as a transit port, the average spending per passenger dropped 37 percent to HK$2,950 i ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-27

Trump administration unveils sweeping tax reform plan

... while the peak rate for pass-throughs, which account for most small businesses, is 39.6 percent, the same top rate paid by individuals. In another concession to long-standing demands from corporate Am ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-27

City’s expanding railways offer promising career prospects

Hong Kong’s growing railway network and the construction peak of several multibillion projects have boosted demand for railway professionals. Among others, the city is revving up construction of the 1 ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-25


... 數基金也許蝕少些,而peak-to-trough跟20%熊市定義亦有一定距離,但買市不買股,並不代表投資者能在 ...全文


Why Sea Crest Villa homeowners are smiling

...  to their peak level in the past year. In particular, Kingswood Villa -- which was put up by Cheung Kong Property -- has seen active transactions lately, although some people consider the HK$10,000 ps ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-20

珀御收2500票 21人爭一伙

... 南區SHOUSON PEAK上月以2.835億元售出11F屋,土地註冊處資料顯示,買家以私人名義鄭小燕(CHE ...全文


UK's May calls for early election to strengthen Brexit hand

...  pass its peak as consumers start to feel the strain from rising prices. "It was with reluctance that I decided the country needs this election, but it is with strong conviction that I say it is neces ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-19

Lyrid meteor showers expected to peak on Saturday

The annual Lyrid meteor shower started on Sunday and the phenomenon could last until April 25, with its peak period expected to be around 8pm Saturday this week, the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) said. ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-18

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