... 下3隻新股,包括內地IP遊戲營運商及發行商中手遊科技(00302)、雲南省預拌混凝土生產商雲南建投混凝土(01 ...全文
... 警察發生衝突。 抗議IP電話日收20美仙 當地民眾上月尾至本月初已舉行示威,抗議腐敗及經濟惡化。政府內閣周三同 ...全文
內地IP遊戲營運商中手游科技(00302)董事長兼首席執行官肖健指出,相信日後會出現月流水達3、4億元及生命周 ...全文
內地IP遊戲營運商中手游科技(00302)宣布,以每股2.19元至2.83元招股,發售4.61億股,其中10% ...全文
內地IP遊戲營運商中手游科技(00302)昨日開始路演,將於明日(19日)起公開招股,據銷售文件顯示,公司擬發 ...全文
... 作。 下周招股的內地IP遊戲營運商中手游科技(CMGE)傳獲7名基石投資者認購,計劃以每股2.19元至2.83 ...全文
據悉,內地IP遊戲營運商中手游科技(CMGE)以每股2.19元至2.83元招股,發售4.61億股,集資額介乎1 ...全文
... 外,市場消息稱,內地IP遊戲營運商中手遊科技將於本周公開招股,並引入7名基礎投資者,包括恒基地產(00012) ...全文
... 影視化等其他更多電競IP衍生內容服務。 騰訊遊戲副總裁、英雄聯盟中國總負責人黃凌冬談到了對未來的期待,在下一個 ...全文
Four months into the anti-extradition bill saga, the Hong Kong protest movement has shown little signs that it is running out of steam. In the meantime, the social conflicts and divisions triggered by ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-15
... hat has whipsawed financial markets and slowed global growth, the news agency said. But Friday’s announcement did not include many details and Trump said it could take up to five weeks to get a pact w ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-14
... ing its grip on civil liberties with the emergency law, Executive Council member Ip Kwok-him on Monday suggested that the government, using its powers under the emergency law, could restrict the means ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-10
... 個通訊埠都會與主機的IP地址通訊協定關聯。換言之,不同的應用程式往往用到不同的「窗口」,然後再在電腦上作出線上 ...全文
... ing participants in the Tuen Mun protest proper public transport service? I believe the MTR owes both the citizens of Hong Kong and its small shareholders a satisfactory answer to these questions. Thi ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-27
... M全球負責晶片授權的IP產品事業群總裁Rene Haas重申,不論目前的V8架構,抑或之後新的晶片架構,均基於 ...全文