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Tesla Model 3一出,震驚全球。短短一周,訂單便超越30萬張,較去年內地一整年的電動車(Electr ...全文


Tesla 36小時接單827億元

電動車製造商Tesla周日宣布,上周四起接受預訂的中檔車Model 3銷情火熱,首36小時已錄得約25.3萬輛 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年04月05日

Tesla攻中檔 18萬人搶訂
Model 3入門價27萬 明年交貨

電動車生產商Tesla周四發布其首款中價汽車型號Model 3,入門價僅3.5萬美元(約27.3萬港元),進軍 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年04月02日

Tesla vows to make money in 2016

Tesla Motors Inc. is promising investors it will start making money this year and will no longer be burning cash. Chief executive Elon Musk told a conference call the company is determined to cut cost ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-11

Musk to invest US$20 mln in Tesla's US$500 mln share sale

Tesla Motors chief executive Elon Musk will invest US$20 million in the company's US$500 million stock offering in a show of confidence at a time when the electric carmaker is burning through cash, Re ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-14

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