
共 3000 個結果
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移動學校 享樂以外的教育

... 們主張「在地學習」(place-based learning),打開學生的五感,培養對事物的好奇心,探索社區需 ...全文


Sustainable development starts with children

... aders, to place children at the center of strategies to achieve sustainable development. This will require long-term vision, with presidents and prime ministers ensuring that sufficient funds are dire ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-18

屯門垂直農場 培植羽衣甘藍 Sustenir星洲來港種靚菜

... ty、Market Place by Jasons及惠康等81間門市出售。 梅丁捷強調,Sustenir於新加 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年06月16日

Popular opposition, economics will torpedo UK immigration offer

... ich could place them on a route to citizenship,” he wrote. The offer seems too good to be true. Will it really happen? I doubt it, for several reasons. The first is that the main driver for Brexit, wh ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-15

Asia family offices can use Covid pause to solidify foundation

... mework in place and making improvements where needed to create a more coherent and agile operation better able to capitalize on the opportunities that will arrive with the global recovery. The involun ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-15

The re-invention of modern equities

... finding a place inside mobile e-wallets alongside traditional currencies and securities. This kind of convergence between the dematerialised and material economies is by no means a foregone outcome, b ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-15

遠東發展旗下項目倫敦金絲雀碼頭 Aspen at Consort Place在港推售

遠東發展有限公司現正在港公開發售全新倫敦金絲雀碼頭Aspen at Consort Place。項目聳立於倫敦 ...全文



... dalay Bay Place將於6月25日重開;Aria、Mandalay Bay與Four Seasons ...全文



... 10%。 YORK PLACE一房月租2.2萬 灣仔YORK PLACE中層C室,實用面積408方呎,1房間隔 ...全文



... ich could place them on a route to citizenship. 另外,美國國務 ...全文


The planet after the pandemic

... as usual” place us in ever-closer contact with animals, creating the ideal conditions for disease spillovers. In this sense, Ebola, HIV, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and Middle East respi ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-03

Libra without Facebook: How Celo boosts financial inclusion

... ying to replace the US dollar with its own synthetic currency, a major concern from regulators on Libra’s token and its fiat currency-backed reserve. In a different collateral mechanism, Celo’s first ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-03


... ns Market Place及物流中心的資產及土地,預計交易於今年底完成。 家樂福表示,將加速在台灣發展超市 ...全文



... NS Market Place,也涵蓋物流中心的資產及土地。整筆交易價值9700萬歐羅(約8.36億港元)。這 ...全文


National security law provokes worst anxiety since handover

... w about a place they do not represent and of which they know so little? It is the first time that a Chinese law with criminal penalties has been introduced into Hong Kong law, bypassing LegCo and publ ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-01

Don’t let your health go bankrupt

... ed not to place mobile phone in the bedroom for a good sleep is a good start indeed. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-27

The digital path to citizen-centric finance

...  where to place their money – annual global savings will reach an estimated $25 trillion – as well as more say over what it should be used for. New technologies also can give citizens greater influenc ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-25

Protecting women during the pandemic

... hs taking place in health facilities; and access to contraception. While reduced access to SRH services is a problem in many parts of the world, including developed countries like the United States, w ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-22

驚安之殿堂進駐Monterey Place

... 的Monterey Place。 驚安之殿堂提供一系列在日本製造或設計的商品,令顧客有彷如身處日本購物的感覺。 ...全文


折讓七成購66%股權 涉資4662萬

... 席,主理荔枝角D2 Place等多個活化工廈項目;羅蜀凱為羅氏針織創辦人羅定邦的次子,羅家聖則排行第五。 截至 ...全文


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